Kuandykov Baltabek Mukanovich

Kuandykov Baltabek Mukanovich

President of the company “Meridian Petroleum”

Years of training: 1966-1971 yy.
Specialty: "Geological engineer"

In 1966, large oil and gas fields of Ozen and Zhetybai were discovered in Mangyshlak, as well as in Western Siberia. Many graduates of schools, and all young people had a great desire and enthusiasm to become oil workers, geologists. I was also captured by these thoughts, and already in 9-10 grades ( we were finishing the 11th grade program) I decided to be a geologist. At that time oil geologists were trained only in KazPTI in Kazakhstan, so I chose this institute in the capital of the country - in Alma-Ata.

After finishing secondary school in 1966, I became a student. Living and studying in the capital was a cherished dream for me and for many of my friends. I remember perfectly well, I felt a great satisfaction from my first major achievement (I am a university student!) and the desire to absorb everything: the curriculum of academic subjects, the conditions of the capital and student life with its charms and difficulties, the history and culture of the big city.

At the time of admission to the institute, the specialty “Geology and exploration of oil and gas fields” was a part of the Geological Exploration Faculty. A year later, a separate oil faculty was created at the institute and, of course, all the specialties of the oil profile were transferred there. So I ended up at the oil faculty.

But I was mostly interested in the subjects of geological disciplines: Geodesy, Structural geology, Historical geology, Mineralogy, Geology of foreign countries, Geology of oil fields in Kazakhstan, etc. With great enthusiasm, we began to feast on the knowledge, in this case -  the basics of geology, considering that we, first of all, need to understand what this science is based on.

I still remember my student years with great pleasure.

All of us, and the majority came from villages and distant periphery, no matter how difficult it was for us, we began to deeply study these foundations of geology. Why is it difficult? Because almost the entire bulk of students (I’m primarily talking about us, oil geologists) who came from distant areas of the Guryev region (then the Mangyshlak region was a part of this region) graduated from the Kazakh school, and all subjects at the institute were studied only in Russian. This was the imperative of the time and the demand.

Among the teachers, I would especially like to note E.D. Shlygin, P.A. Atrushkevich, P.Ya. Avrov, E.A. Ankinovich, I.I. Shmais, G.Zh. Zholtayev, K.A. Lisagor, S.B. Bakirov, who taught us the "basics" of geology, patiently taught  all the intricacies of this science. For the rest of my life there will be good, bright memories about the Institute itself, student fraternity, our student solidarity, friendship that my fellow groupmates have preserved till this day, and there was also the knowledge of our new life, acquaintance with the beautiful city of Alma-Ata, the  first love and growing up. I still remember my student years with great pleasure.

In the student scientific and technical section, I was actively engaged in research activities. The head was the teacher of the department "Marxist-Leninist Philosophy" Zhanbike Rakhmetullovna Yestemessova. I remembered one of the reports I prepared (and there were many) - “The current state and prospects for the development of  oil industry of Kazakhstan”. This report of mine received a prize in the competition.

After the Institute, as an excellent student, I got the right of primary choice in the direction of production, and, of course, I chose my hometown Guryev - department of “Kazneftegazrazvedka”, which was considered as one of the largest geological organizations within the country. There I was sent to the Biikzhal expedition, where the deepest well in the Soviet Union was drilled. It was a scientific parametric well, under the conditions of which everything new was tested, which was available at that time in drilling, in geological and geophysical study of the subsoil.

Scientific supervisors of the SG-2 well drilling were well-known in geology celebrities: G-E.A. Aizenshtadt, V.S. Dneprov, R.A. Ganelina, I.A. Pinchuk, S.N. Koltypin, S.N. Simakov, M.B. Balgimbaev, whose works we met in our student years. In practice, I learned from them the methods of work: carefully describe the core, sludge, study well log diagrams  in details, carefully consider seismic sections.

“Polytech” is the best. Way to go, guys, raise the university brand higher!

Over time, I began to participate in scientific discussions and conferences. I think that it was exactly  that  time when the serious foundations of my deep passion for geological science were laid and constantly strengthened. Subsequently, when I defended my  PhD thesis in Moscow : “Structural-formation complexes and prospects of oil and gas potential of subsalt deposits in the southern regions of the Caspian basin” and doctoral dissertation: “Geological structure of the Aral-Caspian region and adjacent areas of the Caspian basin in connection with their oil and gas potential”, I always gratefully remembered my first scientific teachers and idols. I never regret that I chose the specialty of  geologist. This is my life, my faith.

Thanks to geology, I became a member of many accomplishments. I was directly involved in discovering and developing the world-famous unique deposits Karachaganak and Kashagan. I am proud that thanks to my knowledge, experience, I became a laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology named after Al-Farabi, received a number of high state awards and the title of “Honored Worker of Industry of Kazakhstan”.

As for the future of KazNRTU (Satbayev University), I am sure that the university on a new round of development of our independent Kazakhstan will preserve and continue all the best that has been in its 85-year history, and armed with innovations in education, research, in the process of the country's progressive movement in the market conditions into the world political, scientific and technical, industrial space, of course, will occupy a leading position among the internationally recognized educational and scientific centers.

The Polytechnic University has always been famous for its graduates, achievements in higher education, scientific developments. It has always been and today it is a model example of educational institution in Kazakhstan.

I urge students to pay more attention to the curriculum, as it will become the main basic foundation in later life. I think that if I say: “Polytech” is the best, it will not be an exaggeration. Way to go, guys, raise the university brand higher!

20 october 2020 5806
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