Aitkhozhayeva Yevgeniya Zhamalkhanovna
Associate professor, department of "Cybersecurity, Data Processing and Information Storage"

In 1969, I graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute (now KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev) with a degree in Electronic Computers and received the qualification of an electrical engineer. This was the third graduation from the specialty. Computer technology in those years was just emerging throughout the world. We were taught by excellent teachers. The head of the department “Computer Engineering” was a well-known teacher and honored inventor of the Kazakh SSR, associate Professor L.A. Brichkin, the dean of our Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering was initially U.A. Dzholdasbekov, subsequently vice-rector of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, academician of the KazSSR Academy of Sciences, laureate of the State Prize of the KazSSR, Honored Scientist of the KazSSR. When we finished our studies and defended our diplomas, B.R. Rakishev was the dean. (later Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Scientist of Kazakhstan). We, graduates of those years, are proud that our deans were such famous scientists. They knew us all by sight and name. It was not easy to study, but it was very interesting, I was a recipient of a personal scholarship from KazPTI. In the institute's life there was not only study, we worked in the student design bureau, traveled with the whole course both to the virgin lands and to the construction brigade, and supported the performances of the young, not yet recognized, ensemble “Dos-Mukasan” of our faculty.
I started my professional career as an engineer in the Computer Science Laboratory of the Kazakh Research Institute of Energy. In 1971-1974, while studying in graduate school, I worked as a researcher at the Department of Computer Science of LETI named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) (now Technical University "LETI"), received the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. I started my teaching career in 1975 as an assistant, then as a senior lecturer, associate professor, professor at KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev (Satbayev University) of the department of “Cybersecurity, information processing and storage”. The scientific title of associate professor of the USSR Higher Attestation Commission was awarded in 1981, and in 1998 the academic title of professor was awarded.
I never forget my teachers and in my professional activities I try to continue their best traditions. The department has trained highly qualified specialists in the field of IT and information security, who are recognized not only in Kazakhstan. Among them are those for whom I was the scientific supervisor of diploma projects and master's theses: Paltashev T. (projects manager at Radeon Technologies Group of Advanced Micro Devices Corporation, USA), Nazyrov F. (director of Research Laboratory Gamma Technologies), De V. (PhD, Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Bedfordshire, UK), Abirov K. (general director of DIS Group, CIS), Panasyuk S. (leading programmer of the company Sukhoi Aircraft, Moscow), Turekhanov V. ( president Kazakhstan Association of Automation and Robotics), Sarmanov A. (general director of Republican e-Health Center), Dautov E. (managing director on Digital Technologies at Arnur Credit), Kydyrbekova A. (international cybersecurity expert at Trellix), etc.
Polytech (Satbayev University) is my alma mater, and I am proud of it. And I am glad that here some of my students have become my colleagues: associate prof. PhD Yubuzova Kh.I., associate prof. PhD Alimseitova Zh.K. and others.