Get higher education

in the technical university №1 of Kazakhstan
языки обучения

Possible studying in
Kazakh, Russian
and English


3D tour of the university

центр исследования и инноваций
From the first year, Satbayev University students become part of the Center for Research and Innovation
выпускники Satbayev University
Graduates of Satbayev
University are professional elite of international level
международный диплом
international diploma (accreditation ABET, ASIIN)
Technology training
on production, work in the largest companies
мировой опыт
The best world
experience and rich traditions since 1934
кредитная технология обучения
Credit training technology allows you to independently select subjects by
flexible schedule

Bachelor's educational programs

That feeling when the future is near

Dear applicant, choose from the list below, the subject you are taking.

More than 2000 grants annually. The minimum passing score of UNT is 65 points.

Admission to Satbayev University

UNT submission and receiving a grant

4 times a year
May 16 – July 5
Apply for UNT testing at and take the UNT
June 20 – July 7
Take creative exams if you have chosen a creative education program
July 13 – July 20
Apply for a state educational grant at
Get a grant
Grant competition results are published in early August

Admission to Satbayev University

Till 25 August
поступление в Satbayev University

Virtual Admissions Committee anywhere in the world and right now!

Go to
поступление в Satbayev University

Download the list of documents for application for an educational grant and for admission to Satbayev University


Submit original and copies of documents to the university.

Upon admitting to the paid department, pay the tuition fees.
Cost of study

Contact of the admissions office

from 1 june to 31 august
Контакты приемной комиссии Бакалавриат

The Republic of Kazakhstan,
Almaty, 22a Satbayev Street,
The Main Educational Building (GUK).
Entrance from the Baytursynov street.


Admission committee works:
Mon - Fri: from 9:00 to 18:00
Sat: from 9:00 to 14:00
Sun - weekend

Satbayev University

from different sides
That feeling when there is an interesting life ahead
Satbayev University в цифрах

more than 10 thousand

more than 80%
study for free

• Government grants
• Social grants
• Grants and discounts for
  Olympic medalists
• Discounts for excellent students

Satbayev University в цифрах

partner companies

partner universities

of graduates are employed in 6 months after graduation

academic mobility programs

Satbayev University в цифрах

academic buildings

2 mln books
in the scientific
and technical library



Satbayev University в цифрах



Satbayev University в цифрах

places in computer classes

supercomputer - the first in Central Asia

On inclusive education

That feeling, when a new opportunity opens up
Satbayev University

Programs, adapted for the students with special needs

icon Design
icon mathematical economics and data analysis
icon business engineering
icon Startup Bachelor course
icon computer science
icon mathematical and computer modeling
icon information security
icon information systems
Satbayev University

Center for support and escort of inclusive education

  • Discounts and grants
  • Accessible environment
  • Subscription to IPR books WV-Reader interface
  • Support of a psychologist
Satbayev University

"Tikkun Olam Makers: Almaty" Social Makaton

Festival of inventors that solve the problems of individuals with special needs

About the Military Department

That feeling when you're getting stronger
военная кафедра

Become a reserve lieutenant without taking a break from the university education!

The military department of Satbayev University accepts bachelor students from 1-2 courses of full-time education, citizens of Kazakhstan not older than 27 years (240 places available).

Training in military affairs will help to make a career in the public sector and law enforcement agencies (DVA, KNB, Prosecutor's Office and Border Service).

Our graduates - are the leaders of their generations

That feeling when you look up to great people
  • name_icon Ilyas Esenberlin

    a great Kazakh writer, known all over the world.

hat_icon Mining engineer, 1940.

  • name_icon Shahmardan Yesenov

    Doctor of Geological and Meneological Sciences, Academician, Deputy of the Supreme Council of the Minister, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Chevalier of two Orders of Lenin, Lenin Prize Winner, State Prize of the Kazakh SSR, Prize of the Academy of Sciences of KazSSR after Sh. Valikhanov.

hat_icon Metallurgist, 1949.

  • name_icon Akzhan Mashani

    Honored scientist, founder of Kazakhstani school of geo-mechanics, writer, translator of Al-Farabi's works.

hat_icon Mining engineer-geologist, 1939

  • name_icon Omirkhan Baikonurov

    Well-known scientist and teacher, creator of Kazakhstani scientific school for development of mineral deposits.

hat_icon Mining engineer, 1940

  • name_icon Kazbek Valiyev

    The famous alpinist, the first Kazakh conqueror of Everest, the Snow Leopard, the master of sports of the international class, the Honored trainer of the RK for mountaineering.

hat_icon Geophysicist, 1974.

  • name_icon Bakhytzhan Kanapyanov

    Poet, writer, translator, film director. Author of 20 films. Honored personality of Kazakhstan, participant in liquidation of Chernobyl accident.

hat_icon Metallurgist, 1974

  • name_icon Murat Kussainov

    Musician and composer. Artistic director and founder of VIE Dos-Mukassan. Honored art figure of Kazakhstan.

hat_icon Automation and computer engineering, 1970

  • name_icon Akhan Bizhanov

    Chairman of the Committee for Social and Cultural Development of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

hat_icon Electrical Engineer, 1971.

  • name_icon Dossym Suleyev

    Famous scientist, professor, academician, public figure, teacher. Honorary Rector of Satbayev University. Member of VIE Dos-Mukassan.

hat_icon Automation and computer engineering, 1970

  • name_icon Bayan Rakishev

    Prominent scientist in mining sciences sphere, teacher, organizer of higher education and science, academician of RK NAS. Honored personality of Kazakhstan. Ex-rector of Satbayev University.

hat_icon Mining engineer, 1957

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