Kalpeyeva Zhuldyz Beishenalievna
2024 - to the present KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev Director of the Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
2021 - 2024 KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev Deputy Director of the Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
2019-2021 International University of Information Technology Director of the Department of Science
2018 -2019 International University of Information Technology Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Security Teaching disciplines: Software Development Tools, Database Design. Introduction to SQL, Information communication technologies, Research fundamentals.
2016 -2018 Kazakh National Agrarian University Head of the Department of Automation and Information Technologies.
2006 -2016 Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev Senior Lecturer, Head of the Department of New Teaching Systems of the Information and Computer Center; Head of the Programming Section of the Center for Information and Communication Technologies, Head of the Web and Multimedia Technologies Section of the Information Technology Department, acting Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Software Engineering. Participation in projects: Corporate information system "Polytech", educational portal, electronic library and university websites. Teaching disciplines: Software development tools, Software systems design technologies, Software systems development technologies, Android mobile programming.
2003-2006 Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn, Bishkek Teacher. Disciplines read: Introduction to computer information systems, CASE-technologies.
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Institute trains IT specialists and professionals in the field of robotics for all sectors of the economy in the following areas: computer science, cybernetics, mathematics and information security.
Institute is recognized as a major scientific and educational center, one of the leading institutes at Satbayev University. Cybernetics and information technologies are priority areas of science and technology development and are supported by government programs. Graduates work in key positions at the largest manufacturing enterprises that occupy leading places in the country's economy, or manage their own companies.
The beginning of the Institute can be considered 1962, when Automation and Computer Engineering Faculty was opened on the basis of "Automation and Tele-mechanics" and "Computer Engineering" departments.
Institute develops educational programs based on fundamental knowledge and modern skills in conjunction with current information and communication technologies. Institute is also developing multilingual programs to improve the level of teacher training in Cambridge (UK). To improve the level of textbooks, Institute's teachers visit technical educational institutions in Portugal and France. Traditional and modern teaching technologies are applied in the classrooms as well.
Educational programs
Kasymova Aizhan
Deputy Director
ККЦ 304
Kalpeyeva Zhuldyz
Deputy Director
ККЦ 304
Sagynuly Sanzhar
Deputy Director
ККЦ 302
Kassymbekov Adlet
Deputy Director
ККЦ 302
Academic support issues for “Applied mechanics and engineering graphics department” students
Academic support issues for “Cybersecurity, information processing and storage department” students
Academic support issues for “Software engineering department” students
Academic support issues for “Scientific and educational center for mathematics and cybernetics” students
Non-academic support issues