Satbayev University
contribution to the
Sustainable Development
Satbayev University supports the UN Sustainable Development Agenda in tackling the world’s most pressing challenges and promotes a Sustainability Culture. Each year university works on expanding its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals via teaching, research, community engagement, social responsibility and operations. Particularly, SU focuses on promoting good health and well-being, providing opportunities for quality education, promoting gender equality and reducing inequalities, building and maintaining Smart Campus, responsible consumption, water management and sustainable community as well contributing to the country’s economic growth via staff support/well-being initiatives and innovations.

SDSN Kazakhstan
The UN SDSN was set up in 2012 under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General to promote SDGs through education, research, policy analysis, and global cooperation. SDSN Global has 1600 member institutions from 137 countries: including 1318 universities and research institutions organized into 47 National and Regional Networks. On 8th June 2022, under the umbrella of the global SDSN, the SDSN Kazakhstan was inaugurated as a national chapter. SDSN Kazakhstan has 20 members.
Inclusive Education center
Formation of culture and thinking reflecting the goals of sustainable development.
Global cooperation in educational and research activities.
Research funding and participation in international research programs.
Building partnerships with stakeholders.

Creating an accessible environment

Social makaton "Tikkun Olam Makers: Almaty"
Festival of Inventors - Solving cases of persons with Special Needs Sponsors:
ERG, Tel-Aviv University, HP

Psychological and medical support of students and staff
ECO campus

Sustainable Development Goals Project Office
Aliya Zhaksalykova