
Meiram Begentayev
Board Chairman – Rector
Personal reception: every 1st, 3rd Monday of the month, from 16:00 to 18:00
Office: Oil building, Room # 307.
Reception: 8 (727) 320-40-01
He is a Kazakh statesman and politician, doctor of economics, associate professor. Deputy of RK Parliament Mazhilis of 5th convocation. Since 2001, he has occupied a number of senior positions in the higher education system; his scientific and pedagogical experience is 15 years. He was a deputy of Pavlodar municipal maslikhat of 3rd and 4th convocations, held the post of deputy mayor in Pavlodar region. He is the owner of Appreciation letter from the State Head N. A. Nazarbayev (2005), "Honorary employee of RK education" esteemed title, the honorary certificate of RK President, "10 years of Astana", "20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" as well as other jubilee medals. Laureate of "Daryn" state youth award of Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008), the author of more than 100 scientific publications. In 1996, he graduated with honors from Pavlodar Industrial Institute in “Automobile and tractor engineering” specialty with the qualification of a mechanical engineer.

Samgat Yermekbayev
Board Member - First Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Strategic Development
Personal reception: every 1st, 3rd Wednesday of the month, from 16:00 to 18:00
Office: Oil building, Room # 301.
Reception: 8 (727) 320-41-04
Yermekbayev S.K. is a graduate of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Russian Federation) and Pennsylvania State University (USA), holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Law (LLM) in international investment and business law specialization. In previous years, he occupied the senior positions in the public service in the field of education, in the corporate sector, led «Mamandygym - Bolashagym» project that was dedicated to new professions and competencies at RK Science and Higher Education Ministry. He held the posts of director of Central Asian programs at Penn State (USA), head of Pavlodar Mayor’s office, as well as deputy director of "Qazaq Independent Directors" Association. Since 2021, he has been an independent director in a number of Boards of Directors of quasi-governmental organizations, has actively engaged in scientific and teaching activities in the cybersecurity sphere. Yermekbayev S.K is fluent in Kazakh, Russian and English.

Yerzhan Kuldeyev
Board member - Vice-Rector for Science and Corporate Development
Personal reception: every 1st, 3rd Friday of the month, from 16:00 to 18:00
Office: Oil building, Room 301.
Reception: 8 (727) 320-41-01
Famous scientist, mining engineer and geophysicist. He graduated from KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, candidate of technical sciences of RK and RF, professor, academician of National Academy of natural sciences, International Academy of informatization and International Academy of environmental sciences and life safety, corresponding member of RK National Engineering Academy. Kuldeyev Ye.I. is "Scientist of the Year" according to “Altyn Adam” award. He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, including 60 articles in scientific publications indexed by Web of Science (h-index – 6) and Scopus (h-index – 8) databases, 11 RK patents, 1 copyright certificate, 7 monographs, 5 textbooks and 20 teaching aids. He has "Honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Gylymdy damytuga sinirgen yenbegi ushin" badges of RK MES, "Munai gaz keshenin damytuga koskan ulesi ushin" medal of RK ME, “For merits in education” of RF, "Honored scientist" title and "Star of the scientist" award of International Academy of sciences of ecology and life safety of UN, prize winner and owner of “Zhas galym” award of Kazakhstan Scientists’ Union, winner of RK MES State scientific scholarship for young talented scientists as well as other awards and medals. He completed the courses for university leaders of the Republic of Kazakhstan at Berkeley Institute on Higher Education of California University (Berkeley, USA), courses for higher education leaders at AEO “Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education”, Eurasian Higher Education Leaders Forum (Astana city), higher education management at Slovak Technological University (Bratislava city, Slovakia) according to TEMPUS project and others.

Uskenbayeva Raissa Kabiyevna
Board Member - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
Personal reception: every Tuesday, from 16.00. to 18.00.
Office: Kazakh-Korean Center, Room # 401.
Professor, Doctor of technical sciences. She graduated from mechanics and mathematics faculty at Kirov Kazakh State University (now Al - Farabi Kazakh National University), worked as a mathematical engineer at Alma-Ata Design Bureau under USSR MIC. R.K. Uskenbayeva worked her way up from a researcher to the department head. In 1993, she defended her candidate thesis on “Automation of technological processes and production” specialty. She completed her doctoral studies at KazNTU named after K. I. Satbayev. After completing her doctoral studies, she occupied the position of the head at Computer Science Department. In 2005 on her initiative, the department was renamed as "Software systems and networks" department. R.K. Uskenbayeva defended her doctoral dissertation on "Mathematical and software support of computing machines, complexes and computer networks" specialty at L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. In March 2012, she assumed the position of Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, then worked as Vice-rector for academic and educational activities of International University of Information Technologies. In 2019-2021, R.K. Uskenbayeva held the position of Rector at IITU.

Sapar Shalabayev
Board member - Vice-Rector for Administrative, Social and Educational Work
Personal reception: every 1st, 3rd Tuesday of the month, from 14:00 to 16:00
Office: Oil building, Room 301.
Reception: 8 (727) 320-41-01
He has extensive experience in public service. For a number of years, he occupied the senior positions in higher education organizations. He is a master of social sciences in “Political science”, "Jurisprudence" specialty. He completed the advanced training at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, at Almaty Management University under “University Management 2020” program and at SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management under “University Management” program.

Auelkhan Yergali Satyshuly
Acting Director of Geology and Oil-Gas Engineering Institute named after K. Turyssov
He is an engineer in engineering and technology of drilling wells, geo-ecologist, candidate of technical sciences, he is engaged in hydrogeological studies of groundwater in various regions of Kazakhstan, including Almaty, Zhambyl and Turkestan regions. He specializes in research in the field of hydrogeology and engineering geology, well drilling, as well as the use of laboratory and field methods for studying the soil properties, carries out hydrogeological surveys with engineering and geological studies, prospecting and exploration of groundwater. He was awarded the honorary diplomas by Rector of Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev and Ministry of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan for his contribution to the oil and gas industry’s growth. He holds "Honorary Geologist" title awarded by ALE “RK Association of Industrial Geological Organizations.” He has “For merits in the development of science” badges of RK Ministry of Science and Higher Education, KAZENERGY Association’s badge for the evolvement of RK oil-gas and energy complex, as well as the gold medal of Satbayev University for achievements in science and education. He was granted a certificate of honor from RK Science and Higher Education Ministry and other awards. He is the author of more than 40 scientific publications, including in the rating journals. He is the head and responsible executor of research projects commissioned by Science Committee of RK Science and Higher Education Ministry, as well as in the framework of contract research with enterprises.

Rysbekov Kanay Bakhytovich
Director of Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O. Baikonurov
He is a mining engineer-surveyor, candidate of technical sciences. Besides, he is an academician of RF Academy of mining sciences, academician of International Computerization Academy, academician of National mining Academy of Kazakhstan, member-correspondent of International Academy of ecology and life safety of the Russian Federation. In different years, K. Rysbekov worked as Director of Mining and metallurgical Institute, a member of the Expert Council of the Committee for control in the education sphere and science RK MES, was the owner of the State scientific grant for young talented scientists. He is the author of more than 100 scientific papers, 3 textbooks, 3 monographs, and 7 study guides; a member of the sections for expert and analytical evaluation of works submitted for State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology named after al-Farabi. Freelance expert of professional standards at the "Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises".

Yelemessov Kassym Koptleuevich
Director of Energy and Mechanical Engineering Institute
He is a scientist involved in the issues of technological machinery and equipment, and he is a teacher who has twenty years of teaching experience. He was awarded "Excellence in Mining Science" honorary badge and the 3rd degree "Miner’s glory" departmental badge. He is the author of four tutorials, three innovative patents and five publications with a high impact factor included in Thomson Reuter, Scopus databases. He is the head of PTF scientific theme and the leading researcher of a number of innovative projects on grant financing. Yelemessov K.K. is the author of both "Operational and Service Engineering" program and the concept of students’ professional accreditation introduced into the work in cooperation with the industrial Association of RK mining and metallurgical enterprises. He is the creator and chairperson of Industrial Advisory Committee with AMME involvement. He is an expert in professional standards at ALE “Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises”.

Kuspangaliev Bolat Uraykhanovich
Director of Architecture and Construction Institute
Doctor of Architecture, professor, Member of International Academy of Architecture of Oriental Countries, Member of International Academy of Architecture, Honorary Architect of Kazakhstan, winner of the Altyn Adam National Prize, Chairman of the Kazakh Department of the International Academy of Architecture, Member of The Union of Architects of Kazakhstan. In past, the First Vice-Rector of Almaty School of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Over the 23 years of working as a Vice-Rector he became one of the recognized organizers of the higher school of Kazakhstan; for this achievements he was awarded with many certificates, medals and complimentary awards by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan. Under his leadership and with his direct participation over 30 objects and complexes were designed and constructed, which include multifunctional residential complex Highvill Astana and Almaty Kala (Apple Town)residential complex, which won the golden medal of the Union of Architects of Kazakhstan. For his scientific, production and organizational activities, Bolat Kuspangaliev won numerous government, departmental and public award, which include Kazakhstan Respublicasynyn Tauelsyzdygyne 10 zhyl; Altyn Adam National Prize – Person of the Year in the nomination for Merit in the Development of Architecture and Higher School of Kazakhstan, jubilee medal 20 Years of Independence Of Kazakhstan, medal For Merit in Science Development in Kazakhstan. He is the manager of the project of the Development of Energy-Efficient Technologies on the basis of Sources of Alternative Energy.

Amralinova Bakytzhan Bazarbekovna
Director of Project Management Institute
Mining engineer-geologist, PhD, lawyer. An experienced researcher, a teacher with extensive international experience. She has completed scientific internships at Natural History Museum (London, UK) and Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. Amralinova B.B. participated in "36th Annual Winter Meeting 2-4 January 2013 University of Leicester" international scientific and practical conference (Leicester, UK) and "37th Annual Winter Meeting 2-4 January 2013 University of Oxford" conference (Oxford, UK). She is the author of more than 20 methodological guidelines in Kazakh and Russian, about 10 courses of lectures. Over the past three years, she has more than 10 certificates for advanced training as well as more than 30 scientific publications, including in rating journals. Amralinova B.B. is the head and executor of state budget projects in the field of rare metals geology. She is the author of «Types of gold deposits in East Kazakhstan" monograph (2015) and textbooks.

Abdullayev Seidulla Seidemetovich
Head of the School of Transport Engineering and Logistics
Engineer, Doctor of technical sciences, professor, national expert in the railway transport sphere. He began his more than a 20-year career as an assistant in the higher education system at the university, and his production activity with "Kazakstantemirzholy" company, worked as a chief engineer in "Kazgiprozheldortrans", before joining Satbayev University he made a successful academic career as a head at Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.T. Tynyshpayev. He was awarded medals, certificates of honor and departmental awards: including "140 years of M.T. Tynyshpayev" jubilee medal, "Honorary Worker of RK Education" badges, the bronze badge named after A. Baitursynov of Association of RK Universities, «TURKSIB 90" badge. Author of more than 200 publications, including 3 monographs, 7 textbooks, more than 90 educational and methodological developments, articles in international peer-reviewed journals. Actively participates in international scientific projects, republican fundamental and applied scientific research. He has completed a large number of advanced training courses in the CIS countries, Singapore, and the USA. An active participant in international scientific conferences, an experienced production worker, a competent teacher and researcher. Winner of "The Best University Teacher" grant in 2014.

Rysbayev Vassily Nessipkaziyevich
Head of the Military Institute
He is a major-general reservist, a high command representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan, formerly a commander of "East" regional command troops. During the service, he occupied various leadership positions in the Armed Forces of USSR and Republic of Kazakhstan, including Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of Air Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan Armed Forces and Deputy Commander-in-Chief for Armaments - Head of LF Main Arms Directorate of RK Armed Forces. Master in “Pedagogical education” specialty. Chevalier of is m3rd degree «Serving Motherland in USSR Armed Forces» and 1st -2nd degree «Dank» medal, as well as of other awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.

Simonov Andrey Gennadyevich
Director of the Institute of Digital Technology and Professional Development
Simonov Andrey Gennadyevich is an expert in distance education, IT development, energy efficient construction and design. He became one of the youngest heads of IT department, during his work in RSE "Statistics Agency" he supervised the construction of a centralized republican local network and training of IT-specialists of regional centers. During his work as Executive Director in EST Group he implemented several projects on LEED/ BREEAM certification and mathematical energy modeling at the facilities "Zeleniy Qvartal", "Izumrudniy Qvartal", the UAE Embassy and Consulate in Astana. During his work in "STC KBTU" he managed the construction, design, administrative and marketing departments, managed communication with customers. He managed the development of the project "Multifunctional Complex PE&IT KBTU", within the framework of which the "Drilling Center KBTU", "Photoelectric Station" and "Training Workshop of Kazakhstan Marine Academy" were built. The Training Workshop became the world's first autonomous building with a working machine room with an installed marine engine in the steppe and the first industrial building in Kazakhstan with proven energy efficiency characteristics. At Satbayev University Andrey Gennadyevich manages the development and operation of PolytechOnline, one of the best distance learning platforms in the country, improving the efficiency of the university with the use of intelligent data analysis tools within the Data Center, organizes mentoring for students in the areas of Data Engineering, Data Analytics.