Practice and employment
at Satbayev University
Go through practice, train, find the perfect first job
People go far, teams go further.
Satbayev University Career Center helps University students gain practical experience, join an internship program at the workplace, find themselves in the labor market and build a successful career.
It's never too early to start building a bright future for yourself. Don't waste your time, start now!

Look for places on the Digital Practice Base Map

The career path begins with professional practice. Undergraduate students at Satbayev University undergo internship after 1-3 years of study.
The map shows more than 2000 employer companies in all regions of Kazakhstan. It will help you choose a place that is convenient and interesting for you.
Use the capabilities of Beam Career platform
Free Beam digital will help you:
• Find vacancies, internships and internship program;
• Get useful career planning content;
• Take part in employers' events;
• Learn more about their work and team.
Fill out a profile on Beam to use it as your resume and contact representatives of 5800 large employer companies in the country.
Satbayev University Career Center

from 90%

Partners of Center

How should a student start?

The first day after graduation

How to get started?
On practical training and employment issues

On the issues of mandatory three-year training