Amralinova Bakytzhan
Director of the Institute, PhD , Associate Professor. BEST UNIVERSITY TEACHER 2023.
Associate Professor of the Department "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits" SU
Mining engineer-geologist, teacher with more than 18 years of experience. She worked as the head of the department, dean, scientific supervisor of a number of projects. Corresponding member of the National Mining Academy of Kazakhstan
She is engaged in a wide range of tasks in the geology of solid minerals. Author of more than 80 scientific papers, in publications recommended by the authorized body - 25, in scientific journals included in the databases of Clarivate Analytics (Clarivate Analytics) (Web of Science Core Collection, Clarivate Analytics) (Web of Science Core Collection, Clarivate Analytics)) 4, Scopus (Scopus) 12, as well as in other scientific publications and collections of international conferences
She has 3 patents for inventions and 1 copyright certificate.
The Hirsch index: according to Scopus – 8,
She is constantly working to improve her skills, in different years she has completed scientific and pedagogical internships at the Natural History Museum (London), Tashkent State Technical University named after I.Karimov (Tashkent), FSBI "TSNIGRI" (Moscow).
Has certificates:
"Management in education" 28.11.-09.12.2022 in the amount of 72 academies.hour's. Almaty. IP Paradise. "Project management" of the professional development program 30.04-05/23/2022 in the amount of 72 academies.hour's. Almaty. Satbayev University 17.05.2020. Inspiring and Motivating Individuals MOOC based on the COURSERA platform, University of Michigan. 05/17/2020. - MOOC "Talent Management" on the COURSERA platform, University of Michigan. 18. 05/12/2020-Precious stones: diagnostics and expertise. MOOC based on the SOURSERA platform, Novosibirsk State University.
E. Turkebayev Institute for Project Management
Institute trains in-demand professionals in the field of project management, business analytics, managers and leaders who are able to manage complex projects in a variety of industries.
The experienced teachers and certified managers with extensive experience will train you for practical work and effective management of complex projects in production, teach you the ways of working with deadlines and budget on real cases from different spheres.
Institute has been operating since 1991 and during this time has become the alma mater for many outstanding scientists, public figures, and talented leaders of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Institute provides its students with many opportunities, both in the field of international business and in the field of Kazakhstani finance and production.
Institute actively cooperates with foreign higher educational institutions, exchanging the knowledge and research experience, inviting the foreign lecturers, organizing the courses and internships. The partners include Silesian University of Technology (Poland), Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after Stanislaw Staszic (Poland), Royal University of Technology (Sweden), Ravensbourne University (UK), Canterbury Christ Church University (UK), Brunel University (UK), Shandong University (China), Graduate School of Management (Spain), Fachhochschule University (Germany), University of Applied Sciences (Germany), University Otto-Von-Guericke (Germany), Budapest Metropolitan University (Hungary) and others.
Within the framework of a two-degree education, Institute provides ample opportunities for people interested in foreign professional experience and international relations. Currently, Institute offers a joint master's program with Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after Stanislav Staszic (Krakow, Poland), "Economic Analysis" specialty. Negotiations are underway to open the other two diploma programs.
Among Institute’s permanent partners there are “Union of Project Managers of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Atameken” National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Central Asian Institute for Research and Development (CAIDS), “Antal”, “Astana Motors” and “BI Group” companies.
Institute trains senior management specialists with the unique skills based on specially developed training programs. Thus, “Executive MBA” program is designed for experienced managers and top managers with extensive managerial experience, and MBA program in the mining and metallurgical complex trains the graduates to work directly in production.
In addition to the specialized departments, Institute has "General education disciplines", "Foreign languages", "Kazakh and Russian languages" and "Physical culture" departments that provide university students with the broad outlook and comprehensive university training.
Educational programs
Akerke Kulbayeva
Chief Manager
ГУК 415
Shyndauyl Nugumanov
Deputy Director
ГУК 415
Dinara Satybaldieva
Deputy Director
ГУК 415
Amralinova Bakytzhan Bazarbekovna