On this page you will find all the information related to admission procedure to universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Please, note that universities will find out the exact UNT dates and the competition of educational grants directly during the admission committee period. To stay up to date, follow the news on website.
What is necessary to be enrolled:
- To collect documents
- To choose the study direction and UNT profile subjects
- To pass the UNT and, if you are applying for a creative specialty, then - a creative exam
- To receive a state grant for training
- To apply for admission to Satbayev University
Details of 2024
Admission Committee
Applicants, who have graduated from school or college, and are applying for a state grant, pass UNT and enter the university on a competitive basis.
College graduates, applying for the paid training in their specialty, do not pass UNT and submit documents directly to Admissions Committee.
UNT threshold score for Satbayev University is 65 points, including at least 5 points in each subject
Deadlines for passing the UNT, which gives the right to receive a grant
May 16 – July 5, 2024
Terms of the creative exam at Satbayev University
June 20 – July 7, 2024 – registration for the creative exam
July 8 – July 13, 2024 – conducting the creative exam
Deadlines for accepting documents for State educational grants competition
July 13 – July 20, 2024
Results of State Educational Grants competition
Until August 10, 2024
The university admission process takes more than three months and at different stages you will need various documents and equipment. We recommend that you prepare in advance and have everything you need with you at all stages.
The main site for registration and information
- The main site for obtaining the information is:
- Registration for UNT and state educational grants contest:
- Free trial testing of UNT:
- Grant competition results:,,,,,
The main documents that you will need at different stages of admission
- Identity card and its paper copy — issued to citizens from the age of 16 at PSC department (look at your TIN on the front side of the identity card)
- School graduation certificate or college graduation diploma with an appendix
- Medical certificate in 075-U form, vaccination card in 063 form, a printout of the fluorography snapshot. The certificate must be issued in June, July or August
- Photos 3x4 cm in size, 8 pieces
- A certificate confirming the social category that entitles you to receive a quota for a state grant (for example, on living in a large family)
- Certificate of attribution (for young men)
All the given documents must be scanned, and you must have electronic copies with you, including a photo.
You can scan and use the certificates and other documents that confirm your special achievements (for example, a certificate of victory in the Olympiad).
Documents that you will receive during the admission process
- UNT certificate — issued electronically on website after the test results’ publication
- Certificate of the state grant award — issued electronically on website after the contest results’ publication
You will also need
- USB flash drive for storing the data (scanned documents)
- A computer or laptop with a working video camera or smartphone – ask your parents or find free access (for example, at PSC in the self-service sector or at the university admissions office)
- Email (for example, Gmail) – create an account in the mail beforehand and write down your username and password
- Application or a parent's bank card to pay for testing
- A mobile phone and sim card to receive sms.
In Kazakhstan, grants are issued based on the results of Unified National Testing. Testing takes place in five subjects: three compulsory and two specialized. Profile subjects are selected depending on which specialty the applicant plans to study: for different educational programs, the profile subjects are different.
When choosing the specialized subjects of UNT, you pass the May and June UNT on them. You cannot change the combination of profile subjects.
Each program is part of its own Group of educational programs, the competition for a grant is held within the Group. Therefore, before applying for UNT, you need to choose an Educational program and determine the Group of educational programs and UNT subjects that belong to this group.
- Choose the educational program you like, corresponding to the profile subjects in which you want to pass the UNT.
- Write down for yourself the group of educational programs group’s code (look at "Groups of educational programs" column in the table), which corresponds to the profile subjects in which you want to pass the UNT.
You can select and record up to 4 Groups of educational programs corresponding to the profile subjects that you will take at UNT.
Choose Satbayev University
Bachelor's Degree program
Mathematics - Computer Science
5 educational programs -
Math - Physics
45 educational programs -
Math - Geography
11 educational programs -
Biology - Geography
1 educational program -
Biology - Chemistry
2 educational programs -
Chemistry - Physics
3 educational programs -
Creative exam
3 educational programs -
Special subjects for college graduates
2 educational programs
You can take UNT 4 times during the year, but only the May and June UNT gives you the right to participate in Competition for a state grant. The test results, which are conducted in January, March and August, are accepted only for training on a paid basis.
Required documents and data
- Identity card and TIN
- Specialized subjects of UNT
- Application or a parent's bank card to pay for testing. The cost of testing is 4230 tenge
When to start the process
- The end of April – the beginning of May
How to find out the dates of acceptance of applications for UNT
- Go to website and find out the dates of acceptance of applications for UNT in "News" section. Usually, applications are accepted for 3-7 days, so you need to constantly watch when it will be.
UNT for applicants to technical specialties
- Schoolchildren pass the UNT in five subjects: three compulsory ones and two specialized ones.
- College graduates who continue their studies in the same specialty that they graduated from college pass the UNT only in two specialized subjects.
- College graduates who change their specialty – pass the standard UNT in five subjects: three compulsory ones and two specialized ones.
UNT for applicants to creative specialties (Architecture and Design)
- Schoolchildren take the UNT on History of Kazakhstan and Reading Literacy; as well as a creative exam at the chosen university.
- College graduates - take the UNT in Drawing (Architecture) or Drawing and Composition (Design); and the creative examination at the university of your choice.
What UNT results are accepted for participation in the state grant competition
- UNT results for May or June are accepted for admission to participate in the state grants competition.
- UNT results for January, March, May, June, August are accepted for admission to study on a paid basis.
How to apply for UNT
- Go to website on the right day
- Register on the website, confirm your email address. Write down the login and password of your personal account.
- Log in to your personal account and click on "Apply for UNT" button. Fill out the questionnaire with your personal data, select the place and time of UNT, click on "Apply" button.
- The payment page opens. You need to pay for testing due to the app or online using a bank card. The payment must be made within 30 minutes.
- After payment, the application will be registered, "Next" button will be displayed. Click it and go to the information about the application. Download it and print it out so that you don't forget anything and don't miss testing.
Instructions for registering and applying for UNT
Passing the UNT
- Go to UNT center, which you chose when filling out the questionnaire, and have an identity card with you.
- The test result is issued after the test is completed. The appeal is filed immediately, without leaving the auditorium.
- Carefully study the list of subjects allowed at UNT. If you try to bring your phone, cheat sheet, textbook, etc. to UNT, your May and June UNT will be canceled, and you will lose the right to a state grant. At the same time, you will be able to pass the UNT in August and enroll in a paid department.
Creative exams for Architecture and Design specialties
- Creative exams are held in the traditional format at the host university.
- Applicants to the group of educational program "B031 Fashion, interior design and industrial design" take "Drawing" and "Composition" subjects.
- Applicants to "B073 Architecture" educational program take "Drawing" and "Drafting" subjects.
- The results of the creative exam together with UNT scores give the right to participate in the competition of educational grants or admission to the university on a paid basis.
To take these examinations, you must contact the Admissions Office at Satbayev University and apply for a creative examination.
UNT results
- UNT results are available on the same day on website.
- You can download and print the UNT Certificate in the personal account of site or by link.
- If you have passed the UNT twice, you have the right to use the result that is greater in the grant competition.
Creative exam results
- The results of the creative exam are transmitted to National Testing Center by the university without the applicant’s participation. The results are posted on University's website as well as in Admissions office.
- According to the exam results, the applicant is given an extract from the statement, which can be used for admission to a creative specialty at another university on a paid basis.
After passing the UNT, it is necessary to submit documents for state grants contest.
Required documents and data
- Identity card and its paper copy
- Certificate or diploma
- 2 photos
- Medical certificate on 075-у form with a fluorography image
- Document confirming the preferential right (if any)
- Printed UNT certificate
- Electronic copies of all documents
- Codes and names of Groups of educational programs that you have selected
- The official name of the university you are applying to
The official name of Satbayev University in the competition of state educational grants is 029 K.I. Satbayev Kazakh National Research Technical University (KazNRTU).
When to start the process
- After passing the UNT in June. Usually, the acceptance of documents for the contest takes place from about July 10 to July 25, but the deadlines may shift.
How to apply for the contest
- Select the Groups of educational programs and universities where you want to study. High school graduates choose 4, college graduates – 3, those entering the creative specialties – 1. For each Group, specify the university where you want to study. The official name of Satbayev University in the national testing system is 029 K.I. Satbayev Kazakh National Research Technical University (KazNRTU).
- Choose the university where you will apply for the grant competition. Submit original documents to the admissions committee directly at the university (at any university in Kazakhstan).
How to find out the dates of acceptance of applications for the grant competition
- Go to website and find out the dates of receipt of documents in "News" section. The dates of receipt of documents shift, so you need to constantly watch when it will be.
How many groups of educational programs and universities can I choose?
- Applicants for technical specialties can choose up to 4 Groups of educational programs and universities.
- Applicants for creative specialties can choose only one Group of educational programs and only the university where they passed the creative exams.
What benefits and special types of state grants exist in Kazakhstan?
- Rural quota — a quota that applicants from rural areas can apply for
- Social quotas — a quota that applicants from socially unprotected and special categories can apply for
- Grants of "Мәңгілік ел жастары - индустрияға!" social project – Serpin
- "Target educational grant for studying in higher educational institutions of young people from densely populated and western regions" (Target grant "Atyrau – Mangystau") – a quota for which applicants from these areas can apply (when using this type of grants, applicants are not eligible for other types of quotas)
How to fill in the information on educational programs groups?
- You can select only those Groups of educational programs that correspond to the profile subjects that you passed at UNT.
- When choosing, you select an inseparable combination of "Group of educational programs – the university where you want to study". This means in case you win a grant, you will be able to study only at the university that you have chosen for the given group.
- There may be several programs in a group of educational programs. When enrolling in a university, you will be able to choose which of the programs accessible for you, you will study.
- If you are applying for a target grant "Target educational grant for training at higher educational institutions of young people from densely populated and western regions" (Atyrau – Mangystau), before choosing a university, you must select 4 regions for training. Depending on the selected regions, the system will issue those universities in which the state order for this grant is placed.
Difficulties with uploading the documents
- If you have a lot of documents that need to be uploaded to one of the points, for example, a lot of documents to confirm the fact of belonging to a large family, scan all the documents, paste the resulting images into a word file, save the document as pdf and upload the resulting pdf file to the system.
What does the status of the application "rejected" in the personal account mean and what should I do?
- After registering the application on the website, be sure to visit the university and submit the original documents to the admissions committee. The university checks the documents and registers or rejects the application. If the application is rejected, you need to contact the university again to update or replace the application.
To feel more confident, submit documents to the website at the university admissions office – consultants will help you do everything right. At the same time, you will be able to submit the original documents to the admissions committee and immediately complete the process.
Competition results
- The results of the state grant competition become known in early August, usually before August 16.
- See the results in your personal account on website, as well as on,,, websites.
- Download the certificate of receipt of the state grant on and print it out.
After receiving the grant results, you enroll in the university.
Required documents and data
- ID card and 3 copies
- Certificate or diploma
- 6 photo cards
- Medical certificate on 075-у form with a fluorography image and 2 copies
- Vaccination card in 063 form and 2 copies
- UNT Certificate
- Certificate of grant award
- Certificate confirming the right to a quota
- Certificate of registration to the conscription area for young men and 2 copies
To do this, you need to fill out an application on the website Satbayev University and provide the originals to the university admissions committee.
After electronic registration, prospective students submit the original documents to the university admissions committee and conclude a work-out agreement, since Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who enroll on the basis of a state grant must work for at least 3 (three) years.
The application process must be completed by August 25, as the orientation week and educational process will start in the future.

Republic of Kazakhstan,
Almaty, 22 Satbayev str.,
The main academic building (MAB).
Entrance from Baitursynov Street.

Work schedule:
Monday - Friday from 9:00 to 18:00
Saturday, Sunday – day off