Kanay Rysbekov
Director, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor
Mining engineer-surveyor with more than 20 years of experience. He worked as head of the department of mining, director of the Institute of Geology, Petroleum and Mining, and scientific director of a number of research projects. Academician of the Academy of Mining Sciences of the Russian Federation, academician of the International Academy of Informatization, academician of the National Mining Academy of Kazakhstan, corresponding member of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety of the Russian Federation.
Over the years, he completed scientific and pedagogical internships in Germany (Freiberg Mining Academy), Italy, NUS (Singapore), Hong Kong, NU (Nazarbayev University), China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing). Has certificates: F-DK 2023 No. 560 issued on March 10, 2023, completed Festo Didactic training and certified on the topic: “1st open advanced training course, WorldSkills standards in administration” (053325 GERMANY), ERM CERTIFICATE No. 08202301 09.20. 2023 attendance “Engineering Project Management: Initiation and Planning”, advanced training program “Project Management” 04/30–05/23/2022. in 72 academic hours. Almaty. Satbaev University. Certificate of completion of the “Geospatial Diptych of Engineering Structures and Geodynamic Processes” 11/30/2021-12/28/2021. 72 hour credit course. Certificate - “Mathematical modeling of geomechanical processes: implementation of numerical methods using Rocsience software (RS3 and RS3) within 72 hours, 11/15/2021-12/13/2021. “Features of economic management in higher educational institutions” NAKG (online) in-depth 20 acad. watches, 2021; “Business process management: diagnostics, optimization, design and description” dated 05/31/07/03/21, in section 72 academician. Almaty hour. “Geodetic support for the construction of underground structures” 09/28/20-10/26/2020, PHEDCS – online internship;
Author of more than 130 scientific papers, incl. indexed in the Scopus-30 and Web of science database – 16 (Q1,Q2,Q3), as well as 7 patents, 4 textbooks, 7 monographs, 8 scientific manuals, co-authored Kazakh-Russian and Russian-Kazakh terminological dictionaries “Mining "and metallurgy", "Ecological Encyclopedia" and the terminological scientific and production dictionary "Geography and Geodesy", industry instructions "Unified rules for the protection of subsoil during the development of certain mineral resources."
Reviewer of 16 journals indexed in NDB Scopus and Web of Science: Journals of MDPI publishing houses (Switzerland): Excellent development; Energy; Processes; Applied Science; Mathematics; electronics; Water; Earth; Materials; Minerals; Building; Catalysts; Symmetry. Journal of Frontiers (Switzerland): “Frontiers in environmental science.” Journals of the publishing house Dnieper Technological University (Ukraine): Development of mineral deposits; Scientific bulletin of events of the city university
The Web of Science platform verified 104 reviews provided by journals https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/355525
Under the supervision of 2 Doctors of Philosophy (PhD)
Member of the editorial board of Frontiers in Earth Science / Review Editor in the journal Frontiers in Earth Science. Section - Georeservoirs.
Member of the editorial board of the Engineering Journal of Satbayev University (EJSU)
Member of the editorial board of the “Mining Journal of Kazakhstan”.
Worked as a member of the expert council of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
- in 2019, member of the section for conducting expert analytical assessments of works presented at the meeting of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology named after Al-Farabi (section of geosciences, technical sciences and metallurgy) Order No. 122 dated 03/20/2019.
- 2023 member of the section for conducting expert analytical assessments of works presented at meetings of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology named after Al-Farabi (section of Earth sciences, technical sciences and metallurgy) Order No. 202 dated 05.15.2023.
Winner of the title “Best University Teacher” 2022.
Winner of the industry competition “Golden Hephaestus” in the category “Teacher of the Year” 2023, organized with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the ERG company (Eurasian Resources Group)
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Institute trains specialists with knowledge of modern methods and techniques in the field of mining and metallurgical engineering, mineral extraction, geodesy, surveying, land management, cadastre, materials science and technology of new materials. Training is conducted on the basis of a foreign approach, the best world practices and recent scientific achievements.
The Institute was founded in 1934 as Kazakh mining and metallurgical institute and Institute’s further history is inextricably linked with the history of KazMMI-KazPTI-KazNTU development. In 2001, Mining and Metallurgical faculties were merged into Mining Institute and Metallurgical Institute, and in 2003, there were formed Mining Institute and Institute of Metallurgy and Printing. In 2011, O. A. Baikonurov Mining and Metallurgical Institute (MMI) was established.
During XX and within the twenty years of XXI century, mining and metallurgical faculties of the higher educational institution provided the mining and metallurgical industry of Kazakhstan with the best personnel. Among Institute graduates are laureates of State Awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Halyk Kaharmany, Kazakstannyn Enbek yeri, ministers, deputies of Parliament Senate and Parliament Majilis, akims, presidents of mining companies.
Students take internship in production companies with whom there are cooperation agreements. Institute has strong links with production that allows not only to teach students the skills needed directly at the future workplace but also to implement dual education and research projects owing to the current production problems are solved. Institute’s main strategic partners are "GeoStroyInvest" and "Kazakhmys" corporations, JSC NNC “Kazatomprom”, "Kazzinc", "Kazferrostal", "Kazakhvzryvprom", Polymer Materials and Technologies Institute , "Globopak, “Kazchrome", “KazMinerals”, "Aluminum of Kazakhstan", "Kazphosphate" "ERG", "Interrin", "Leika Geosystems Kazakhstan", "Almatymetrokurylys.”
Educational programs
Soltabayeva Saule
Deputy director
Abildayeva Zhanerke Ongarkyzy
Chief manager
Kenesbay Aitenov
Deputy Director
Tilepbay Kuandykov
Deputy Director
Rysbekov Kanay Bakhytovich
ГМК 232