Technology of the basic manufactures and new materials
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B060 Chemical Engineering and Processes | Chemistry - Physics |
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Training of specialists for the chemical industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of technology for obtaining new promising materials, chemical agents and reagents, as well as highly liquid and competitive chemical products based on energy and resource-saving, environmentally friendly and the best available technologies.
The chemical industry provides high-quality chemical products, numerous chemical agents and reagents, as well as new materials of multifunctional action to all industries and enterprises of the country. It includes such key industries as the mining and chemical industry (extraction of apatite and phosphatides, sodium chloride, etc.) basic chemical industry (production of inorganic acids, alkalis, soda, mineral fertilizers, etc.), organic synthesis chemistry, including the production of polymer materials (synthetic resins and plastics, chemical fibers, etc.) and microbiological industry that is gaining rapid development rates.
Specialists in this field master methods, approaches and means of obtaining the advanced chemical products and new materials of multifunctional action, including nanomaterials, from natural, synthetic and man-made raw materials due to modern chemical, physical and physiochemical processes; organization and implementation of quality control of raw materials, auxiliary materials and marketable products.
Graduates work at chemical industrial enterprises, laboratories and engineering companies.