«Advanced Centre for
PhD students and young researchers in informatics»
Erasmus+ Project

Providing the young researchers with access to communication with teachers and professors of EU universities, organizing international cooperation, modernizing scientific and educational processes and improving research conditions are important goals aimed at supporting young scientific personnel. As part of achieving these goals, ACeSYRI Satbayev University coordination group invites young researchers to participate in ACeSYRI project, seminars, master classes and conferences on artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep neural networks. SU Coordination Group implements the project in close contact with partners from abroad. The schedule of future seminars and conferences and reports on the events held will be posted on this page.
Within the framework of the project, Center for promoting cooperation between doctoral students, young researchers and teachers and ACeSYRI Portal will be created that will allow participants to create research groups, cooperate with scientific partners from abroad and exchange information and project results. The use of ACeSYRI portal will be free and accessible to students and young researchers from universities and companies from partner countries of the European Union.
Launching the ACeSYRI project is a valuable contribution to the modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan. It is expected that improving the research conditions of young researchers, as well as involving them in current research problems, will increase the level of higher education in computer science field.

Project participants from Kazakhstan
• Center for Bologna process and academic mobility at Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan (Astana, Kazakhstan);
• Nazarbayev University (Astana, Kazakhstan);
• K. I. Satbayev Kazakh National Research Technical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan);
• Almaty University of Energy and Communications (Almaty, Kazakhstan);
• West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir-khan (Uralsk, Kazakhstan);
• Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata (Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan);
• North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybaev (Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan)
• Suleiman Demirel University (Kaskelen, Kazakhstan)
• Union of legal entities "Kazakhstani Information Security Association" (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan)
Project participants from EU
• Zilin University (Slovakia)
• Lodz University (Lodz, Poland)
• Lorraine University (Nancy, France)
Members of the project working group

He received a degree in radio electronics engineering from the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, Riga, Latvia, in 1983, a PhD in Information Systems from RCAEI and a PhD in 1987 and 1992, respectively. State Professor of Latvia (no.03/03-11-2017 ). Professor and Leading researcher at the Institute of Information and Computing Technologies of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Author of three books, more than 200 articles. The main researcher in the vsix project. His research interests include machine learning, natural language processing, decision support systems, scientometry, etc.

Bachelor's degree in Computer Systems and Software Development (2010-2014), Master's degree in Engineering and Technology (2015-2016). She worked as a software developer and computer graphics specialist. Graduate student in machine learning and data science, studies machine learning, and computer vision. Research interests include data processing, machine learning, decision support systems and natural language processing.

Software engineer of the Laboratory of Analysis and Forecasting of information processes of the IIVT of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. PhD, student of Riga Technical University. His research interests cover the analysis of geophysical research data, machine learning.

– Improving the conditions for scientific research of young scientists in Kazakhstan;
– Providing an innovative infrastructure for international cooperation between young researchers and the teaching staff at Kazakh and European universities;
– Providing doctoral students with an electronic platform for finding consultants in areas related to their scientific research outside of Kazakhstan, and involving them in international projects.
– Creation of a platform for long-term cooperation for universities of Kazakhstan and the EU;
– Development of an online portal;
– Holding conferences, seminars, meetings for the exchange of scientific experience of young researchers.
– The publication activity of young researchers is initiated by publishing research results (CERES journal and others);
– The exchange of experience between researchers from different countries and within Kazakhstan is intensified at seminars and conferences organized within the project framework;
– ACeSYRI portal is being developed for communication between EU researchers and young scientists from Kazakhstan.
The project is designed for 3 years and is carried out by 4 European and 9 Kazakh universities