Information for:

Student life

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Student life is a time of bright moments, new acquaintances and interesting discoveries, when an individual learns a profession and gets the necessary skills for life. At Satbayev University, everyone gets a chance to see the world and discover new horizons!

Student government

Student government is an initiative, socially important work aimed at solving the important issues of student life and protecting the interests of students.

Creative and sports areas

Art and sport are a source of inspiration and harmony. At the university, everyone can discover their talents through amateur art clubs, sports sections and creative workshops:

Student communities

Student organizations are communities of interest where everyone can find themselves! Here you can not only join the club of your dreams, but also create your own community to embody the wildest ideas!

If you have any questions

How do I open my own student organization? How do I get help? Apply for social security benefits? Get an ONAY card? If you have any questions about extracurricular activities, please contact Department for Youth and Sports Affairs.

219, 224 offices in MMB building, or by phone: 8 (727) 320 41 26, 8 (727) 320 40 75.

Annual condolences


Dedication to students


Freshmen team building on Lake Issyk


Fair of Student Organizations


"Naiza" band concert


«Jaidarman junior»


«Game Jam»


"Spring at KazNRTU" Festival


"Samgau" Festival


Meikathon “Tom: Almaty”


“Dos Mukassan’s” concert


“Meir Band’s” concert


Festival “Zhaina, Zhastyk!”

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