Mining engineering
legal entities
How to fill in the application to participate in state grant contest?
1. Before applying, select your favorite educational program at Satbayev University, corresponding to the relevant subjects in which you passed UNT.
2. Write down for yourself the code (column “Groups of educational programs” in the table) of the group of educational programs that includes the program you have chosen.
3. Indicate the group code and code of Satbayev University (Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev) in the application for a grant: 029.
Educational Program Group |
Complex testing subjects |
M116 Mining Engineering |
Mining fundamentals |
Construction of mining enterprises |
Training of specialists in the field of mining engineering, open and underground mining of mineral deposits, mining and underground construction. The program is accredited by International agency ASIIN (Germany); Diploma is quoted in Europe.
Graduates receive Academic Master's degree in engineering and technology for 1.5 years of study or Master of technical sciences for 2 years.
You will be aware of modern promising technologies for integrated elaboration of mineral deposits with minimal losses and dilution, methodology for designing mining enterprises on digital models of deposits due to information technologies, innovative methods of drilling and blasting operations.
Graduate should be able to read technological and design documentation, working drawings, characteristics of mining transport equipment, production passports, certification of machinery and equipment of mining enterprises, materials applied and made products.
Magistrates undergo pedagogical, industrial and research practice at enterprises of “Kazatomprom”, “Kazakhaltyn”, “Kazakhmys”, “Kazchrome”, “Kaztsink”, “KazMinerals plc”, JSC “Altyntau Resources” and “Kazphosphate” etc.
Under academic mobility programs, magistrates undergo scientific internships at Technical University of Freiberg Mining Academy (Germany), Colorado Mining School (USA), Moscow State Mining University, St. Petersburg Mining University, and Beijing Mining and Technological University. Under educational programs, the university has concluded more than 20 international treaties on personnel training and research in the field of mining.
Graduates are in demand at engineering and technical positions in the field of natural resource extraction - at enterprises of mining and fuel-energy complexes, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, production of non-metallic mining raw materials; at branch research and design institutes, in educational institutions’ laboratories.