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Mining engineering

Training of specialists in the field of mineral deposits’ open and underground mining as well as underground and mining construction. The program is internationally accredited by ASIIN (Germany).

The program trains specialists for mining enterprises capable of working in primary engineering and technical positions and effectively conducting natural resources extraction in various mining-geological and mining-technical conditions based on advanced technologies and modern mining equipment.

Training is carried out in three educational trajectories: "Mine and underground construction", "Open development of mineral deposits" and "Underground mining of mineral deposits". The program is adapted to the needs of industrial and manufacturing sector, due to containing 40% of general engineering disciplines in the educational program. Graduates receive a fundamental set of general engineering disciplines, as well as 60% of the core disciplines.

Program provides a full-fledged and high-quality professional education in the field of mineral deposits development (MDD). You will master technology, integrated mechanization, mining organization and economics, methods and principles of design and improvement of mining production, research. As a result, you will receive Bachelor degree and engineer qualification in mining, coal, mining-chemical, mining-construction industries.

Program considers introductory, production and pre-diploma practice. Students practice at production of “Kazatomprom”, “Kazakhaltyn”, “Kazakhmys”, “Kazchrome”, “Kazzinc”, “KazMinerals”, “Altyntau Resources”, “Kazphosphate” etc. companies. The program provides both international and domestic academic mobility.

Program has concluded more than 20 international treaties on training and research in the mining field. Partner Universities: Technical University of Freiberg Mining Academy (Germany), Colorado Mining School (USA), Moscow State Mining University, St. Petersburg Mining University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Mining University of Technology (Beijing) (China); Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, etc.

For specialization, you can choose one of the following education pathways:

1. Open pit mining - design and development of open pit, analysis of development conditions, ensuring safe conduct of mining operations.

2. Underground mining of ore deposits - minerals extraction from depths and their primary processing.

3. Construction of underground facilities and mine construction.

4. Geo- technology for development of uranium deposits, including technology of underground works.

5. Mine surveying - exploration of mineral deposits, design, construction, and operation of mining enterprises.

Graduates work in primary engineering and technical positions in the field of natural resource extraction; at enterprises of mining-fuel and energy complexes, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and production of non-metallic mining raw materials; at branch research and design institutes, in educational institutions’ laboratories.

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