Information for:

Gabit Omarov

Gabit Omarov

Head of Regulatory Reporting at the Data Management Center at JSC Bank CenterCredit

Years of training: 2020-2022 yy.
Specialty: "Information Security"

After successfully completing my doctoral studies in 2022, I firmly decided to continue my career by choosing the position of Head of Regulatory Reporting at the Data Management Center at JSC Bank CenterCredit. This choice was determined by my knowledge in the field of information security systems, acquired during my studies at Satbayev University, which I entered through a competition on the basis of a state grant. At that time, grants for this specialty were available only at Satbayev University.

My studies at the university were interesting and productive. I immersed myself in new subjects related to information security, and the internship in Ukraine was a special moment that I will remember for a long time.

After graduating from university, I began my career in banking and quickly progressed to the position of Chief Information Security Officer, where I continue to apply the knowledge and skills gained during my studies to successfully address information security and regulatory reporting challenges.

19 april 2024 1836
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