Grigory Mulagulov
Conceptual Architect

I passed the “Physics” at the UNT with the expectation that architecture is an engineering specialty, but, unfortunately, when applying for a special subject, it was not taken into account, but my own exam was conducted
I chose Satbayev University because there were fewer students in the Architecture course, recommendations from friends and the presence of experienced teachers.
Undergraduate studies were conducted with great interest in many subjects, including, unfortunately, subjects that were subsequently excluded, for example, “Engineering Mechanics». In the master's degree: the training was difficult and unjustified, in addition, it fell at the time of the pandemic.
The most favorite subject was Architectural design - it strongly depended on the teachers. Subjects in the specialty were studied with great interest and were pleasantly taught; difficulties were caused by the first year - adaptation and basic subjects were severely depleted.
At the university, he received only theoretical knowledge, at least little required in practice in our country. This is due to the “delay” in the development of our architecture. We would also like the university to provide practical skills, for example, in the form of cooperation with architectural studios, so that students consolidate theory with practice.
As a first-year student, I started working part-time, and in the third year I began an internship in a private construction business, which complemented my training with practice.
All experienced teachers at the Department of Architecture deserve respect - thank them very much. I would like to mention the teachers, unfortunately, who are no longer with us: Lebedeva Svetlana Nikolaevna - the head of the diploma project, developed responsibility and attentiveness; Azimov Iskander Mukhtarovich - the head of the department during my undergraduate studies, passed on knowledge that cannot be found in books; Ibraev Bek Anuarbekovich - a wonderful professor and practitioner, shared a new and deep look at the world and architecture; Kazimir Genrikhovich Wojciechowski - taught “Engineering Graphics», instilled accuracy and orientation in drawing and spatial thinking.
The thesis was related to a slightly developed area of the cultural sector - a kind of museums, and was called the “Automobile Museum in Almaty».
Being a graduate of Satbayev University, I already worked in my specialty and had about two years of experience in the private sector. After graduation, he continued his career growth in various companies.
It is extremely important to rely on your experience, knowledge and creativity, stick to your point of view and not be “swayed» by outside comments - customers, colleagues or the outside world.
Respect for creativity is an axiom, despite the engineering responsibility, architecture is, above all, art. The next thing is to make this art durable, useful and beautiful.
Today, the profession of an architect does not surprise anyone, so a future graduate should understand the responsibility to himself as a high-quality Architect with far-sighted views, otherwise the value of such a “professional» is missing.
I considered returning to the university as a teacher earlier and came to the conclusion that teaching was not for me.
As corny as it may sound, but “education is your foundation, and if you decide to study at the university, spend this time effectively. Student time is incomparable to anything, this will not happen again, just as there will be no opportunity to absorb everything that is possible now, while your brain is still flexible and your horizons are wide.”