Information for:

Irina Khvan

Irina Khvan

Designer, illustrator, brand visualizer

Years of training: 2010-2015 yy.
Specialty: "Architectural environment design"

After completing preparatory courses and passing creative exams, I entered Satbayev University.

After school, I didn't know much about universities, professions, and probably it was my great luck or good intuition. I had no art education and did not know how to draw at all (the idea of drawing a head on the entrance exam was frightening), I enrolled in preparatory courses (it seems that then the semi-annual courses at the university were only here). After the courses, the choice of university was no longer there. Satbayev University was already "by default".

I remember (I think the first) composition lesson, when we built a composition with simple shapes of colored paper on a sheet. You move multicolored circles, squares, triangles on a white sheet, hand them over (not from the first, not from the second ... and not even from the third time) to the teacher and do not find an answer for yourself: "Why am I doing this? How does it work? What am I learning here? Why is it wrong? At that moment, I really thought that this was a very strange assignment for the university.

It was only after a year or two (apparently I had grown up) that I realized the importance of this particular task. Now I think that I am incredibly lucky to have teachers who, through such tasks, put something invaluable into our heads. This is the base (from such incomprehensible at first glance lessons with squares and triangles made of colored paper) on which what I am doing now, my profession and the lifestyle that I love are based.

Probably 90% of the subjects that were taught at the Department of Architecture were my favorites to varying degrees, for various reasons.

I remember working on projects that were submitted once a semester. It was easy, interesting, difficult and boring at the same time.

The most important thing that I have endured for myself (in my opinion) this is a worldview that was instilled in parallel with the ability to draw and stroke. And the second very important thing is the ability to convey your ideas to other people.

I remember my teachers: Abilov Alexey Zailkhanovich, Azimov Iskander Mukhtarovich, Kuspangaliev Bolat Uraykhanovich, Turganbayeva Layla Rymbekovna, Sidorenko Larisa Vitalievna, Vasiliev Vladislav Pavlovich, Tyurebaeva Kulyash Izbastovna, Schneider Elina Viktorovna, Musabaeva Veronika Alexandrovna, Zhanna Zhanatovna

In my last year, I worked for a month in a call center... for a month as a consultant in an interior store... then for a month in the event field... printing... entertainment center…I went for interviews many times, and almost everywhere, I quit after a month or two. I have worked in only two companies for about a year and a half. I started taking small freelance orders. For a year she combined freelancing and conducting master classes in the International Network of Fantasy Room schools. In parallel, she developed logos, illustrations, and conducted smm projects. I registered an individual entrepreneur a year ago.

Speaking about my career achievements, I can note:

Work as an illustrator in international projects of the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation, Chevron Corporation, Intervale, Samsung.

Work as an illustrator in social projects: The #Birge Information campaign to overcome the interethnic language of hostility, the campaign "#Tiispe #Don't touch!" on countering sexualized harassment, character development for the Code of Ethics within the framework of the #QazNetEtiquette project, illustration of the collection of environmental fairy tales "The Adventures of the Greenakes"

Conducting master classes within the framework of the iTeacher Academy project: Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation, Apple Education Event, International educational Technology Forum "EdTechForum 2022", "Ustaz Qurultay 22", International Scientific and Practical Conference of NIS, KBTU,

Qualities and skills that a graduate should possess:

Openness to new things: because every project is always about something new (and new things can sometimes be very scary). In every project, I have always had something happen that I do not know, do not know how, do not understand. You're just learning to open up to new and scary things, to learn from other people, to explore areas that you're not familiar with.

Communication skills: the ability to set technical specifications for the customer, to accept the opinions and views of other people. The ability to agree with what is not close to you, but it is important for the project and not to agree to something that harms the project or idea, even if it is the idea of the customer.

Responsibility: for the result, deadlines, completion of the task, mistakes (and there will be a lot of them).

The ability to see the layers from which the project is built: both in terms of the underlying meanings and in terms of the organization of work.

The desire to share: to bring Your own meanings, experience, vision and skills into other people's projects. The ability to share experiences/visions.

24 april 2024 1437
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