Information for:

Tolandі Artyk Nurzhanuly

Tolandі Artyk Nurzhanuly

Specialist in selection of metalworking equipment

Years of training: 2016-2022 yy.
Specialty: "Digital engineering of machines and equipment"

After eleventh grade I wanted to get a technical specialty, then passing UNT by competition I entered SU. Realizing that in the future I want to become a good specialist, I understood that everything depends on me. But when there are grants for the best technical university, I understood where I wanted to go and why. Education was different, yes there were ups and downs. But I remembered quality education, which I use to this day. My first love at university: Higher Mathematics. Many things were easy and hard at the same time. It was always easy for me to communicate with people. The hardest thing was probably English in the beginning, because of that I lost my scholarship once.

I can say that I remembered a man with a capital letter - Tilepbai Alimbayevich. Why him, you may ask?! The man was on the same wavelength with students, knew when and how to demand and at the same time giving everything he knew qualitatively, easily and in an understandable, student language. Admiring then, I try to keep in touch now.

Student life was interesting. I was a member of the student organization Enactus Kazakhstan. Yes there was the first love, performance before people, discussions and different projects. We developed different projects for the protection and development of our environment. And thinking in this direction, we made a project on the topic "Eco-boxes". This project was about recycling of paper and plastic.

The diploma work was related to pumping equipment. It is a tandem pump in which there is: Electro-centrifugal pump and jet pump. I have already managed to get a job in my specialty during my master's degree. Satbayev University helped me with this - a quality university that thinks and nurtures young talents who can work in international corporations. There is no tomorrow and yesterday, you have only today. Learn and enjoy the process guys!

25 april 2024 1101
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