Information for:

Biomedical Engineering

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Group of educational programs UNT subjects
B063 Electrical engineering and automation Math - Physics
1 111 380 KZT / 1 year
Cost for
legal entities
1 416 000 KZT / 1 year
  • How to fill in the application to participate in state grant contest?

    1. Before applying, select your favorite educational program at Satbayev University, corresponding to the relevant subjects in which you passed UNT.

    2. Write down for yourself the code (column “Groups of educational programs” in the table) of the group of educational programs that includes the program you have chosen.

    3. Indicate the group code and code of Satbayev University (Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev) in the application for a grant: 029.

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Training of specialists in the field of medical and environmental equipment and technologies, the creation and maintenance of tools for diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of human diseases and development of software for solving problems of medical and biological practice.

Currently, this industry is actively expanding, attracting new talented minds to make innovative discoveries and create optimal products. Based on US government forecasts, this is the fastest growing profession in the history of America thanks to the latest advances in technology, one of the seven most popular professions for the coming decades.

Students receive fundamental training in mechanics and control systems, electronic devices, integrated and microprocessor technology and the design of medical devices, systems and complexes, etc.

From the initial courses, students begin to work with advanced research, and develop projects. The disciplines are designed in such a way that students begin to feel and think like engineers from the first day. The core theory courses are balanced with practical classes and projects that help students think critically and creatively.

“Biomedical Engineering” educational program curriculum is developed in accordance with the curricula of the best research and engineering universities in the United States, such as Stanford University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Pennsylvania, Duke University and Johns Hopkins University.

Graduates are in demand at various practical healthcare institutions, organizations-developers and manufacturers of medical equipment, scientific laboratories, institutes, clinics and medical centers, at enterprises engaged in the sale and service of medical equipment, such as MedRemZavod, AktubRoentgen, Kazmedpribor Holding, BI Group, Saiman, KazMedTech LLP, Medservice LLP, etc.

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