Information for:

Abdranova Anel

Abdranova Anel

IT HR at Bank Center Credit

Years of training: 2019-2023 yy.
Specialty: "Computer Science "

How did you enter Satbayev University?
This was quite an interesting case, I previously knew nothing about Satbayev University and always thought that it was a pedagogical university. My grandmother helped me enter here; she wanted me to study at Satbayev University, since it was the best technical higher education institution.

Why did you choose Satbayev University?
In fact, when my grandmother advised me to enroll in Satbayev University, I immediately started looking for information about the university, studied about each faculty and about the training itself. I was very interested in the opportunity to choose my own academic schedule and teacher, and the university’s website was the best among other educational institutions, and after weighing the pros and cons, I chose Satbayev University.

How was the training? What do you remember?
The training was quite good, the first 2 years we took basic technical subjects like Physics, Mathematics and many related subjects, after which there was a greater focus on specialized subjects, I will not say that the education was the best of the best. And in principle, I don’t think that any university gives the best education, rather it helps to build you a base, based on this we can continue to go our own way, and thanks to Satbayev University I found wonderful friends and excellent teachers, with whom , I would be glad to chat again.

What was your favorite subject?
My favorite subject was physics, I was taught by Irina Valerievna, since during my school years we simply memorized formulas in order to pass the UNT, I did not understand the essence of the subject itself, but thanks to Irina Valerievna, I was able to understand a lot of things and I had a interest in physics, even now I read and periodically solve some problems.

What was easy and what was difficult?
Passing the exams was the easy part, but the intense studying throughout the semester added to the difficulty. This created good preparation for the exams.

What knowledge did you gain at university?
I can safely say that I have received a good base, and some understanding of where I want to move.

How was student life?
The training period coincided with a pandemic, which created some difficulties, but overall it was fun. Participation in student organizations allowed me to make friends with whom I still communicate today.

Which teachers do you remember? What have you learned from him?
I especially remember Irina Valerievna, a physics teacher, thanks to whom I fell in love with this subject.

Did you do science during your studies?
If science means creating something, then during the 1st-2nd year I was in a student organization where we had to create a model of an improved windmill

What was your thesis related to?
My thesis included creating an application to track dangerous areas of the city and record criminal incidents for the purpose of checking them with law enforcement agencies.

How did your career go after graduating from university?
It was a very interesting moment, I did an internship at Kcell, in the network technology department, and was thinking of going into engineering, but I accidentally ended up at Kolesa Academia for future HR, after which I decided that I wanted to develop in an area where I could help people and businesses. In fact, a lot happened during these 8 months, but in the end I ended up at Bank Center Credit as an IT HR, now my task is to hire the best IT specialists for the company.

What are the main achievements you have achieved in your career?
I never really wanted to be a developer, I always liked managerial work more, and development in the field of management and transition to IT HR were key achievements for me in 2023.

What are the most important qualities that were instilled in you at university and that helped you in your career?
The specialized subjects I received gave me a good start in my IT HR career, since our responsibilities also include understanding who we are hiring and what this employee should do.

What qualities should a future graduate have to be a professional in his field?
Perseverance and a willingness to learn new things are key qualities for a successful career in the 21st century. Unfortunately, our world is changing quickly, and in order to keep up with it you must always be able to quickly adapt to new conditions.

Would you like to return to the University as a teacher?
I think yes, I would not mind helping future graduates in self-determination, where to move and what to study for this. Unfortunately, during the training we were not told that there are a lot of directions in the IT field, and if you don’t like programming, this does not mean that the path to the IT field is closed to you.

How do you see the future of Satbayev University?
I haven’t thought much about this, but I hope our university will be included in the list of the top best universities in the world in the future.

What would you like to say to future generations of students?
You have 4 years before adulthood, try to spend these years as the most memorable, since this period in my opinion is the most important, in finding yourself, connections and a kind of springboard.

18 april 2024 1896
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