Information for:

Adylkhanov Daniyar Zhanybekuly

Adylkhanov Daniyar Zhanybekuly

Years of training: 2020-2022 yy.
Specialty: "Machine Learning & Data Science"

After successfully completing my bachelor's degree in 2020, I firmly decided to continue my education by choosing a master's degree at Satbayev University. This choice was due to the excellent reputation of the educational institution in the field of technical education in the republic. During my studies, I immersed myself in new subjects in the field of information technology, which significantly enriched my professional experience and opened up new perspectives in my current career.

A particularly important moment was writing a dissertation on the topic “Machine learning methods for image analysis.” This decision was motivated not only by the desire to better understand the essence of machine learning, but also by the severity of the problem associated with quarantine measures. The time of writing the dissertation coincided with the need to develop a system for identifying medical masks for automatic control of access to buildings and educational institutions without unnecessary procedures.

Taught me to find effective solutions in complex situation.

My dissertation work was aimed at creating an effective method for recognizing the presence of masks on faces. In the process of writing it, I delved deeper into machine learning methods, learned how to work with libraries and create my own datasets for image analysis. Having collected a complete dataset in collaboration with friends and acquaintances, we used this data to test and further improve our algorithm.

The result was not only the successful completion of the dissertation work, but also the development of a program that, receiving data from the device’s camera, is able to detect the presence of medical masks and use this information to automatically open the door. The experience of developing this program not only deepened my knowledge in the field of data processing and creating datasets, but also taught me to find effective solutions in complex situations. This experience was an important step in my professional development, opening new horizons in the field of machine learning and information technology.

9 february 2024 2242
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