Batiyev Ruslan Akatovich

Batiyev Ruslan Akatovich

Advisor to the Chairman of the Management Board of JSC ‘NAC Kazatomprom’

Years of training: 2002-2005 yy.
Specialty: "Metallurgy and mineral processing"

I transferred from D. Serikbayev EKSTU to KazNITU named after K.I. Satbayev to the specialty “Powder Metallurgy and Composite Materials and Coatings” at the beginning of the second year in 2002. Why did I choose the profession of a metallurgist? In my opinion, for our country, in the metallurgical industry “redistribution” was necessary and it was necessary to obtain complete products with a higher added value.

While studying at the university, my favorite discipline was Descriptive Geometry, although many other students, on the contrary, did not like it. It was easy for me to imagine any detail in the context and depict it.

However, “Physical and colloidal Chemistry” was given to me the hardest of all and that is my fault. Then, thinking that I had no problems with chemistry, I did not take this subject seriously, and when the time came for laboratory work and testing (midterm control), I realized how wrong I was. I had to push temporarily back the main subjects and devote 80% of the time to it, which I do not regret for a minute, since this is the basics of my profession. From teachers, of course, I remember most often Sarah Khussainovna, the teacher of “Physical and colloidal Chemistry”.

I want to tell the students of our university: “Love your profession! The future is in your hands, as you sow grain, you will reap the benefits.”

Education at the university, first of all, prepared me for the realities of adulthood. I remember that I was very proud that I was studying at the best technical university in the country, where there were a lot of outstanding personalities who made a great contribution to the development of the economy of Kazakhstan.

After graduation, I planned to work directly at factories and fields, by having gained experience I wanted to switch to management. My first job was the position of assistant foreman at KATKO JV LLP, engaged in uranium mining and processing. The education received at KazNITU helped me not only to get a job, but also to rise to the position of chief technologist and to be responsible for the processing plant. But within my alma mater, in addition to theoretical knowledge, I acquired the ability to interact with people and leadership qualities. In the future, as my teachers, I would like to share my experience with the younger generation. Now I want to tell the students of our university: “Love your profession! The future is in your hands, as you sow grain, you will reap the benefits.”

14 january 2020 8722
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