Information for:

Kabyldin Kairgeldy Maksutovich

Kabyldin Kairgeldy Maksutovich

Deputy Director-General for Government Relations, JSC “Caspian Pipeline Consortium”

Years of training: 1970-1975 yy.
Specialty: ""

I entered the KazNRTU named after K. I. Satbayev, at that time it was called KazPTI, in 1970, after finishing school. I chose the specialty “Automation and Computer Engineering”, at that time this specialty was creative and modern. Like other young people, I wanted to keep up with the time. Naturally, I felt great joy from the realization that from the first time I entered the Institute and my thoughts were occupied only with good studies and successful completion of it.

Basically, all the subjects that were taught at the University were easy for me, I really liked the “Theory of Machine Mechanism” and “Fundamentals of Computer Sciences”. But we had a subject – “Programming”, and it was not easy for me to understand it, because we did not have this subject at school. And concepts such as “binary numbering system” were over my head. Therefore, it was necessary to study additionally, visit the library and read additional literature.

I studied well and did not have any debts in the subjects, mostly thanks to my teachers, who were highly qualified specialists and professionals in their field. 

At the University I received good engineering knowledge in various fields, starting from materials science, electrical engineering and information technology, and they helped me in my future professional activities.

Remembering my achievements in professional activity, I understand that I owe a lot to the University

The moment of admission and the moment of successful completion in 1975 are the warmest and brightest memories during the period of study at the Institute - the moments when I was proud.  But after graduation, unexpectedly for me and my other classmates, we were called up to serve in the Soviet Army as officers. And only two years after the end of  service, in 1977, I went to work as a commissioning-engineer in the trust “Kazspetsavtomatika.”

Remembering my achievements in professional activity, I understand that I owe a lot to the University, which helped me to form such qualities as a systematic approach to the issues of my professional activity. After all, this is the approach I have always used in my work, from engineering to management positions in my subsequent activities.

Would I like to be a teacher? Perhaps in the future, to share my experience and knowledge with the younger generation. One thing I can say exactly: modern requirements of time is that without knowledge and application of IT-technologies it will be difficult to succeed in a career. They need not only to know, but also to be able to correctly apply for mathematical modeling of the production process and the economy of the project, and it is worth paying special attention to the students of KazNRTU.

Today KazNRTU has its long history of 85 years. It has produced tens of thousands of students who have held and continue to hold leading positions at strategically important sites in Kazakhstan and are making their worthy contribution to the development of our country. I want to say to the current students: be proud that you study at the best educational institution! After successful completion of studies, I wish you to boldly and confidently continue the path started, learn to overcome all difficulties and obstacles in your future work. Let every day in the walls of the University carry something interesting, and new knowledge opens up great spaces of opportunities!

25 september 2020 7650
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