Khamzin Berikbol Serikbayevich
Chief geologist of JSC " Kazgeology”

From the very early childhood I dreamed of becoming a geologist because I grew up in an expedition among geologists. There was a great desire to open the field, to contribute to the development of Geology of our country. I entered KazPTI in 1977 in the specialty "Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits". Why KazPTI? This is the first technical Institute in the country, which played an important role in the formation and development of scientific and practical activities in the field of Geology in Kazakhstan.
Of all the subjects taught, I liked "General Geology." This is the foundation, the beginning of a capacious and multifaceted science. The subject "Higher mathematics" was hard for me. Among my teachers I often think back to Medoyev Georgy Tsarayevich and Shahmardan Yessenovich Yessenov.
The time spent at the Institute is happy hours, weeks and years.
The time spent at the Institute is happy hours, weeks and years. Here I was able to master the chosen area - Geology, became stronger as a person, grew up (both directly and figuratively), thanks to which I was able to start my movement on the professional ladder. My thesis was called "Prospecting for titanium-ilmenite ores in the Amur region". I worked a lot on my diploma thesis and I am very proud of it.
After graduating from the Institute, I wanted to go to the Far East, to the Khabarovsk expedition. But at that time I failed to go there, and I went to Karagaily exploration expedition in the village Karagaily, where I worked from 1982 to 1998, having passed all stages from the regional geologist to the head of the expedition.
In my profession as a geologist, it is very important to have readiness for work and diligence practically under any conditions, universality and observation as well; that’s why I advise recent graduates to develop these qualities in themselves. It is also essential to be able to quickly analyze information and quickly navigate the terrain. However, the most important thing I want to say to every student of KazNRTU: love your profession.