Mutanov Galym

Mutanov Galym

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the RK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Rector of al-Farabi KazNU

Years of training: 1974-1979 yy.
Specialty: "Process control automation"

I was born in a family of teachers. I studied at a simple rural school. In 1974 after finishing school I entered the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin (now Satbayev University), Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering. The choice was not accidental - the Institute, which was called the "legendary Polytechnic", was the country's brand for training technical specialists. The engineering specialties at that time were very popular among young people. Cybernetics, automation of production, computer technology were the trends of that time.

Study was not easy. At the first stage the subject «Descriptive geometry” was difficult. Our class teacher was a math teacher and he paid special attention to this subject. This determined my future scientific interest in mathematical modeling and control systems. We studied many special disciplines - I would especially single out the «Theory of Automatic Control and Telemechanics”, which formed the basis of my chosen specialty. My diploma work was related to the development of an automatic control system for plasma cutting. The scientific supervisor was a famous scientist in this field, U. Malakhov.

With great warmth, I remember the teachers who put their knowledge and soul into us, helped to learn the basics of science. Among them were famous scientists: Abdikappar Ashimov, Nariman Kozhaspayev, Ulykpan Sydykov, Dastan Syzdykov, Valery Magomayev, Yuri Malakhov and many others.

Student years are a vivid and memorable period in each person’s life. We were proud that we studied at such a prestigious institute, our student life was very interesting and eventful. In addition to studying and social activities, I was engaged in research work, was fond of sports and achieved high results, becoming a Master of sports of the USSR in judo.

Satbayev University gave me a ticket to life.

Undoubtedly, the university has become for me a worldview foundation, a time for setting goals, priorities and the basis for further professional growth. It gave me a ticket to life. For which I am, of course, immensely grateful to my native alma mater. Purposefulness and diligence, receptiveness to the new, the original thinking, responsibility, teamwork skills and mutual assistance - these and other qualities should be developed in students who want to achieve results, be useful to their people and country. Sports activities also enhance self-discipline, stamina, shape character and provide the basis for further development.

I continued my scientific and pedagogical activities at the Industrial Institute at the Department of Automation of Production Processes in Rudny, where I was assigned after graduation. Working as a teacher is not easy, but interesting. It requires constant preparation and improvement of knowledge level, search for new things, ability “to hook» an audience and much more. Undoubtedly, the knowledge and competencies that I received at the Polytechnic University helped me a lot.

At the Industrial Institute, I got the first practical experience, continued to engage in science. I understood that I cannot stop at the achieved results. I had a great desire to study further, to do research. Scientific research led me to Moscow: first - a two-year scientific internship at the Department of Automation of Technological Processes of Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, then postgraduate and doctoral studies at the Department of Automated Control Systems at Moscow State Mining University. My Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations were devoted to the theory and practice of automation of technological processes control using elements of artificial intelligence. The topic is relevant and promising to this day.

I was very lucky; I completed a scientific school of global-renowned scientists, who opened the way for me to great science. My mentors were the academicians V.A. Ivanov, V.V. Rzhevsky, L.A. Puchkov, V.A. Gorbatov, L.A. Bakhvalov, A.G. Melkumov and others.

All my work is connected with the higher education system and science. After doctoral studies, I headed the country's Universities. As the First Vice Minister I was involved in the formation and implementation of the concept of development of higher education in Kazakhstan. Today I head the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi.

I was very lucky; I completed a scientific school of global-renowned scientists, who opened the way for me to great science. 

Despite the enormous employment, I continue my research activities. One of the important results was the creation of the domestic scientific school for management in technical and socio-economic spheres based on the use of artificial intelligence and expert systems. Studies in the field of mathematical modeling and management have been recognized by Kazakh and foreign scientists, Nobel laureates. The world's largest publishing house “Shpringer” has published my book “Mathematical Methods and Models in Economic planning, Management and Budgeting”.

My scientific achievements were marked by high state awards of France, Poland, Italy, the Republic of Korea and other countries, with the international titles and awards, including the prestigious prize in the field of science and technology of the Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture (ISESCO), which is the most prestigious in the Islamic world, as well as golden medals of M. Skłodowska-Curie (Poland), M. Lomonosov (Russia) and others.

I continue teaching activities. I believe that teaching at the University is a creative and interesting work. It is a great responsibility for our future - the young generation, which should become not only highly qualified specialists, but also worthy citizens of the country and the world.

Today SatbayevUniversity is working on the implementation of an important state task, to enter the top 200 of the best universities in the world. Having embarked on a transformation into a world-class research university, integration of science, education and innovation, the university is increasing its competitiveness in the global scientific and educational space.

My congratulations to thousands of teachers, students and graduates of Satbayev University, the first technical university in Kazakhstan, with a glorious anniversary. I wish my native alma-mater outstanding success and great achievements on the way to new heights.

6 november 2020 5764
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