Nadyrbayev Akbatyr Aluadinovich

Nadyrbayev Akbatyr Aluadinovich

Chairman of the Committee for Geology and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Years of training: 1975-1980 yy.
Specialty: "Geological Survey, Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits"

The warmest memories remained from studying at KazNRTU at that time, in 1975-1980, it was called KazPTI. I studied at the Geological Exploration Department in specialty “Geological Survey, Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits”.

I remember the meeting of freshmen, where we were introduced to the university and talked about the main points of student life.

Mastering special subjects, especially “Petrography”, “Paleontology”, was not easy. At the same time, production practices were included in the Soviet education system, where the acquired theoretical knowledge was consolidated. The first geodesic practice was in Almaty. Later we went for geological practice in the Sholak mountains, as well as to other regions. During the practice, we went to routes, determined rocks, kept geological documentation, built sections and maps.

Everything that I have achieved is thanks to KazPTI. Here I was taught by the prominent geologists, laureates of the Lenin Prize, wonderful people - Medoyev Georgy Tsaraevich, Ankinovich Stepan Gerasimovich, Ankinovich Yekaterina Alexandrovna, Yesenov Shahmardan Yesenovich, Bakirov Syzdyk Bakirovich and other teachers. They will remain in my memory forever. I still remember the questions that I came across at the exam in «General geology” with G. Medoyev.

After answering the main question about sedimentation conditions during transgression and regression processes, he asked an additional question: what is “nunataki”? He said, if you answer, I will put "5". As a result, I managed to pass the exam from the first time, and specifically to"5". Georgy Tsaraevich was the head of my diploma work “Exploration and Evaluation Works at the Benkala Field”, which I defended with “excellent”. Many thanks to all my teachers!

Everything that I have achieved is thanks to KazPTI.

From 1980 to the present, all my work is connected with geology. I started as a geologist in the Karagailinsky State District, in the Karaganda region, and in the following years I was the head of the Kargaly expedition, “Aktobegeologiya”, “Zaprudgeologiya”, TU “Zapkaznedra”. Since 2008 I have been in the civil service in the geological industry, since 2017 I am the Chairman of the Committee for Geology and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Among my classmates there were practicing geologists, scientists, and leaders of various ranks. Wherever I worked, I met KazNRTU graduates everywhere. It was graduates of KazNRTU that played a significant role in the development of the geological industry of Kazakhstan, in strengthening its mineral resource base.

I am always proud and happy that I studied at KazPTI - KazNRTU named after K.I. Satbayev, and as a graduate of this university, I am especially pleased to congratulate alma-mater on the 85th anniversary of its foundation. For me, the Polytech remains my native home, which gave me knowledge and directed me to practical geology, and also presented the happy years of students.

I wish success and prosperity to KazNRTU - Satbayev University! For students - to study at full strength and become highly qualified specialists. I wish all geologists of Kazakhstan excellent field seasons and new geological discoveries!

21 november 2020 4482
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