Nurbol Akataev
Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market of the Republic of Kazakhstan

I, Akataev Nurbol Nurlanovich, in 2000, after graduating from rural secondary school with honors, he entered one of the promising specialties of the K.I.Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University "Information Protection and Security". Since that time, my life has been closely connected with the legendary Polytechnic and information security.
Currently, having successfully completed my bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies at the university, I work as a senior lecturer at the Department of Cybersecurity, Information Processing and Storage.
In addition, he served for more than ten years in the central office of national security agencies, and currently works in the Department of Information and Cybersecurity of the Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
As a university student, I spent the most interesting years of my youth, met close friends and met my future wife.
It is especially important to note that the faculty of the university has made an invaluable contribution to my education and personal development. In particular, my dear teachers - Ph.D. prof. Turym A.Sh., Ph.D., professor. Aitkhozhaeva E.J., PhD, professor. Alimseitova Zh.K., senior lecturer. Mustafina B.M. and others.I always remember them with gratitude.