Information for:

Nurseitov Abat Akmukanovich

Nurseitov Abat Akmukanovich

Head of the “ Oil and Gas” sector at JSC NWF “Samruk-Kazyna”

Years of training: 1986-1991 yy.
Specialty: "Technology and Integrated Mechanization of the Development of Oil and Gas Fields"

I was born in the village of Dossor, Atyrau (formerly Guryev) region. And the Dossor field is the first-born of Kazakhstan oil. My mother, sisters and brothers studied and worked in the oil industry, so I chose the profession of an oil engineer. In 1986 I entered the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in the specialty “Technology and Integrated Mechanization of the Development of Oil and Gas Fields”. At that time and now I feel proud that I received knowledge in Polytechnic.

My favorite subjects while studying? I would name all the subjects related to the future profession, because even then there was an understanding of their necessity in the future. In the first year, it seems that the most difficult for me was "Descriptive Geometry".I had to make a lot of efforts to understand and master this subject.

The curator of our group Galina Viktorovna Mironenko, whom I often gratefully recall, is a teacher and a wonderful person. Yes, she is a teacher with a big “T”. She knew how to find an approach to students, she always tried to support everyone and, what is most important, she did it very skillfully. With great respect and warmth, I recall Abishev Salimzhan Karayevich, Nursultanov Galiasker Muratovich, Dzhimbaeva Kalamkas, Zholtayev Geroi Zholtayevich, Mussanov Alken Mussanovich, Zakharov Oleg Petrovich, Khalikov Khabdukhak Ablazizovich and others. They were an example for us in everything. And they not only educated us, but, if I may say so, “cultivated” us: I wanted to follow their behavior, communication with colleagues and students, speech, gestures.

At that time and now I feel proud that I received knowledge in Polytechnic.

Student years ... What could be better? In addition to lectures, there were also trips to the cinema, to the theater. Of course, not as often as we would like. We were engaged in sports, and participated in amateur performances. But still, the main thing for us was studying - intense and diligent for the majority. The very atmosphere in the institute, its aura was favorable for it.

"The "Russkoye" field development project" - that was the topic of my diploma work. And to collect the material, I had an internship at the "Lyantorneft" Oil and Gas Production Unit of the "Surgutneftegas" association in the Tyumen Region.

After graduation, I got a referral and began working as an oil and gas production operator at the "Zhetybayneft" Oil and Gas Production Unit of the "Mangyshlakneft" association. This was the first step on the way of deep mastering of the chosen specialty.

I currently work as the head of the "Oil and Gas" sector at JSC “NWF Samruk-Kazyna”. Of course, first of all, the education received at the institute helped and continues to help in my work. I still remain faithful to the chosen profession and ... student lecture notes. Without a doubt, the Institute played the most important role in my professional self-realization.

Without a doubt, the Institute played the most important role in my professional self-realization.

Independence and coordinated teamwork - what is especially important for both the student and the specialist in any field of activity. And it began in my student life with a good school of communication. After all, we lived in a dormitory, communicated not only with classmates, but with children from different regions of Kazakhstan. Friendly relations that were established during the years of study at the Polytechnic University have not been interrupted for a long time, and for some of us they are still strong.

In my opinion, at the present stage, along with taking into account all the trends in the development and improvement of the educational sphere, it would be good to actively involve manufacturers with practical experience who know the development trends of innovations and new technologies for teaching at the Technical Research University - Satbayev University.It would be better to invite local specialists, well versed in the specifics and nuances of a particular activity. In this case the University will remain one of the leading universities of our country for many years and will not give the palm to anyone.

I would like to wish the entrants daily study, patience, perseverance, insistence and ... luck. Having become a student of Satbayev University, bear with dignity the high rank of KazGMI – “Polytech» - KazNRTU named after K.I. Satbayev, which turns 85 this year.

Do not be afraid of difficulties ... The road, as you know, will be overcome by the going. So, good luck!

4 december 2020 5451
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