Information for:

Turekhanov Vladimir Baidullayevich

Turekhanov Vladimir Baidullayevich

President of «Kazakhstan Association of automation and robotics»

Years of training: 1993-1997 yy.
Specialty: "Information Protection and Security"

I chose the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in 1993, quite by accident. At that time, I prepared a package of documents for admission to another higher education institution, but, at my brother’s suggestion, on my way I decided to visit Polytech– to see where he and our sister had studied before. To my surprise, at the admissions office I met some of my classmates.

I looked at the list of specialties, the line "Information Protection and Security", faculty of IaCE attracted my attention. Even then I was interested in this direction, and, as it turned out, not in vain. Finally, I decided to apply for this specialty, when I learned that this is the first set for it.

Did my education help me to get a job? Yes.

Most of all I liked profile subjects: "Protection of computer and telecommunication networks", "Theoretical bases of information protection", "Applied theory of information", "Applied systems of protection and security of information". And it is impossible not to mention military training: very interesting and informative classes. And the most difficult subject for me was "Descriptive geometry", but as the proverb says “Stubbornness pays off”.

I often remember my teachers: Yermakov A.S., Shaikhin A.K., Pshenin Ye.S., Kutsyi A.P., Aitmagambetov A.Z., Aitkhozhaeva Ye.Z., unfortunately, some of them are no longer with us…

My thesis was on the topic "Information protection in corporate networks using satellite communication channels." Many thanks to my diploma supervisor - Aitkhozhaeva Evgenia Zhamalkhanovna for not dissuading me from the decision to take my thesis topic, and not to choose from the proposed.

At the moment of writing my thesis, I was already working in CJSC "Kazakhstan telecommunications" (Katelko). I would like to express my gratitude to Sakipov Nurlan Zarkeshevich and Kotoyants Karine Vartanova. At that time, I spent most of my time working and was determined to take an academic leave and graduate in a year. But they convinced me to take an extraordinary leave of absence and "not to return without a diploma."

Did my education help me to get that job? Yes. The basics of knowledge, which I managed to acquire by the third year (I started my career in 1996), contributed to this very much. And the work itself helped me to master the necessary practical skills. And it turned out in the end that in fact my diploma is based on what I did at work.

Perhaps, all the time studying at the Institute I recall with warmth. The stream where I studied has a tradition: every year on October 4 (the first day when we came to study at the University in 1993) we all get together, share the news and remember how it was then... a long time ago. In the twenty-five years since that memorable day, the tradition has never been broken! Often we are visited by graduates now living in other countries. Who can not attend in person, but would like to feel the joy of meeting, the unique atmosphere of unrestrained, sparkling, real student fun, joins through modern technology, video conferencing.

About 11-12 years ago I had an idea to return to the Institute (for a long time already the University) as a teacher. I met on this occasion with Anatoly Semenovich Ermakov, began preparing a curriculum, but life suddenly changed, so the idea of teaching had to be postponed indefinitely.

I was not engaged in research activities at the University, and outside it, but it so happened that in 2018 I became a member of the National Scientific Council on the priority "Information, telecommunications and space technologies, scientific research in the field of natural sciences".

I "root" for my native Polytech with all my heart.

I "root" for my native Polytech with all my heart. It is difficult to look into the future and say what KazNITU – SatbayevUniversity - will be like, but I can say how I would like to see it: a strong modern higher education institution, producing competitive ambitious young professionals, conducting really popular scientific research, the results of which are introduced into production.

I remember how during our training at the Military Department officers often told us that the teachers give us only 20% of knowledge, and the remaining 80% we have to produce on our own. I think the same rule is valid in the field of IT. At the moment, technologies are developing so fast that educational programs can not keep up with them. No way. Therefore, getting the foundation of knowledge at the University, it is necessary not to be lazy to look around, to study novelties. Fortunately, now there is no shortage of information. And, as it has long been known ,"under a lying stone, water does not flow."

Dear applicants and students! At the age of 17-18 you do not quite understand that life is short. You will not have time to blink an eye, and you already collect documents for receiving a pension certificate, therefore do not waste your time in vain, gnaw "granite of science" here and now, try to begin practical application of your knowledge already from the first courses. Your life is in your hands. Additionally, engage in areas of interest to you, look for those who share your interests.

19 february 2021 5295
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