Uzhkenov Bulat Sultanovich
President of the Academy of Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan geological society "Kazgeo" and the Union of geologists "Kazgeo".

The University both then and now attracts many school-leavers with its traditions, the opportunity to get a solid knowledge base. An important role in my decision to choose this University was played by the fact that it is located in the beautiful Almaty city, with a unique, unforgettable nature around it. Of all the professions I was interested in "Geology and exploration of mineral deposits" of the geological faculty, and choosing it, I thought that it will give the most complete knowledge of the multifaceted, complex, but surprisingly interesting science - Geology.
I entered the University in 1973, at that time it was simply Polytech Institute. While studying, I had no "favorite" or"unfavorite " subjects. All of them were in some way "favorite", and in some way - not very. But in fact they were all extremely useful in learning geology. And many higher educational institutions of the Soviet Union could hardly boast of such a magnificent teaching staff as our faculty possessed. I remember all the teachers, I remember all of them quite often and I am very grateful to everyone for the knowledge and life lessons invested in me. They were amazing, highly-qualified, intelligent people, with a huge baggage of knowledge, dedicated to geology.
After graduating from the Institute my first job was an exploration and survey expedition of Southern Kazakhstan of RGD. Those days I really wanted to do the regional geology, work "in the field" and gain experience. I worked in different positions but always in the geological industry, and at the moment I am the President of the Academy of Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan geological society "Kazgeo" and the Union of geologists "Kazgeo". In many ways, it was the University that shaped me as a person, as a professional geologist. And later on in life, the profession itself dictated perseverance in achieving the goal, not to panic before difficulties, to be able to work in a team, respect colleagues and constantly learn, improving in the profession.
I am very grateful to everyone for their knowledge and life lessons.
Would I like to return to the University as a teacher? I suppose not, because I have a good idea of what qualities a teacher should have. This is an incredible dedication and love for their work, it is a broad outlook, encyclopedic knowledge, while you have to be a person extremely seasoned, talented with the ability to convey the subject to the audience.
A modern student should love the future profession, which he chose himself, not to lose the craving for knowledge, which will allow him to be always in demand and, of course, not to lower the bar of prestige of KazPTI-KazNRTU-Satbayev University! After all, you, young people, were lucky enough to become students of the largest scientific and educational institution with a rich history and traditions. Famous people of our country studied here. You are at the most interesting, beautiful stage of life.
Student's time... This is the time when we find true friends, wise teachers, get skills and knowledge that eventually help us find our place in life. May your University years be truly fruitful for you! We once confidently declared: "Polytech is the best"! And now, the younger generation, it's your turn. Let SatbayevUniversity be the best!
The bright future of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satbayev, and now Satbayev University, I see as a modern scientific and educational center equipped with high-tech facilities, and certainly competitive in all positions.