Yeskulov Serikzhan Sagatovich
Vice-rector for methodological work of Kazakhstan Nuclear Corporate University JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom”

I entered the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin in 1976. At the same time, I experienced an incredible pride - after all, in those years “Polytech” was the best technical university in Kazakhstan. I have chosen the metallurgical faculty, specialty “Mechanical equipment of non-ferrous metallurgy plants”.
As I am a person with a technical mentality, I loved the subjects “Resistance of Materials” (Zifa Matenovna), “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms” (Konstantin Ivanov), which were not easy for many students. But “Descriptive Geometry” was difficult for me at first, because I missed the first classes. I remember then I took the textbook by Esmukhanov and learned the entire course on my own and passed the exam with the excellent mark.
They put their souls into us, shared stories from their life, and helped us in difficult situations.
Frankly speaking, I remember most of my teachers well. For example, Dosumov Kobegen Baidauletovich - Head of the Department, a wonderful person, he was my scientific adviser; Kunitsyn Nikolay Mikhailovich - an excellent lecturer. Sadykov Zhanarstan Sadykovich - Dean, role model, Kondaurov A. - “an old soldier”, as they once said, a specialist- artilleryman. They put their souls into us, shared stories from their life, and helped us in difficult situations. Thanks to them, we have formed the foundation for further professional activities.
My first position is an assistant at the Department of Mechanical Equipment of Metallurgical Plants. In general, I have worked at the university for more than 20 years.
I hope Satbayev University - KazNRTU in a new format, with new plans and development opportunities that are more consistent with the requirements of the time - will increase the deeds and glory of its predecessor, and therefore will become a technical research university No 1 in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.