11 april 2019 3262

A round table “Project management as a factor for the dynamic development of SMBs in Kazakhstan” took place at Satbayev University

A round table “Project management as a factor for the dynamic development of SMBs in Kazakhstan” took place at Satbayev University

On April 5, in the framework of project management days dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Academician K.I. Satpayev and the 85th anniversary of Satbayev University, E.A. Turkebayev Project Management Institute and the Union of Project Managers of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized a round table. The theme of the round table was "Project management as a factor in the dynamic development of small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan".

The event was attended by representatives of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, "Atameken" Almaty; "Damu" fund; «Kazakhtelecom»; KAPIOR, Project Academy KazGOR, PMI Chapter Kazakhstan, KazBuildExpert, KazNU after Al-Farabi, KazATK, AUES and other companies.

At the round table they discussed the current state of small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan, tools of state support for businesses and ways to further develop SMB structures through projects. The roundtable participants shared their experience in implementing and applying the project approach and noted the importance of applying project management for business development in modern conditions.

A lively discussion with a high level of involvement of all participants took place at the round table, the importance and relevance of the information received was noted.
As a result, it was decided to create a unique, permanently operating platform for integrating the experience of the project community, business structures, universities and development institutions.

On behalf of the team of the Union of Project Managers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we thank all the participants of the round table, and also express special thanks to Satbayev University and E.A.Turkebayev Project Management Institute for the opportunity to hold a round table at the anniversary events.

В Satbayev University прошел круглый стол «Проектное управление как фактор динамичного развития МСБ в РК»

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