27 november 2019 3670

Alisher Aldashev and Ravil Muhammediev spoke at Satbayev University

Alisher Aldashev and Ravil Muhammediev spoke at Satbayev University

On November 26, 2019, a seminar was held with the participation of Prof. R. I. Mukhamediev, where he shared his vision of using machine learning in solving production and management problems. The Professor touched upon the use of machine learning technologies, deep neural networks and processing of natural language texts.

In his speech, RI Mukhamediev spoke about the methods of machine learning used to analyze the data of uranium deposits, and also touched upon a wide range of issues related to the processing of texts using deep neural networks based on the so-called text embeddings. The use of modern technologies allows not only to analyze the tone of texts but also, using thematic models of the corpus of texts, to analyze large arrays of texts to identify objective patterns that can be used to assess the reliability, manipulativeness, etc.p. the Use of such technologies allows to develop methods of consensus-building in solving social issues. Another important topic, the solution of which is difficult to imagine without machine learning - analysis and forecasting of scientific and technological trends.

A well-known economist Alisher Aldashev visited Satbayev University to deliver lectures on managerial economics and quantitative and qualitative research methods. A large section was devoted to strategic interaction in markets and game theory.

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