1 november 2018 7978

Annual grant competition of the Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation

Annual grant competition of the Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation

The Shakhmardan Yessenov Science and Education Foundation launches its annual grant competition for 17 grants for undergraduate students, master’s students, and active research associates who wish to undertake a research internship in a leading laboratory of the world.

The aim of the program is to expand the scientific outlook of young scientists of our country through search, selection and support of talented Kazakhstani students who possess the appropriate personal potential and want to engage in primarily scientific activities.

The summer internship program is complex and consists not only in the provision of a travel grant, but also in appropriate preparation for an internship, assistance in choosing direction, etc.

The winners of the competition of 2014-2018, 49 best students of Kazakhstan universities have completed internships in the laboratories of such universities as: MIT, Harvard Medical School, Boston University, ETH Zurich, California Institute of Technology, Princeton University, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, etc.

According to the results of training, 12 people received grants for master and doctoral studies at such top foreign universities as MIT, Stanford University, Boston University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Purdue University, KAUST, The University of Texas at Austin.

For more information about the program participants, please follow the link yessenovfoundation.org and move to “Success Stories” section on our site.

Applications for the program will be accepted from November 5 to December 9, 2018.

More information on the program

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