18 october 2023 2473

Auditorium named after Academician Ye. Shaikhutdinov has been opened at Satbayev University

Auditorium named after Academician Ye. Shaikhutdinov has been opened at Satbayev University

The audience of a public and political figure, a world-renowned scientist, academician Yerengaip Malikovich Shaikhutdinov has been opened at Satbayev University.

The solemn ceremony was attended by Satbayev University’s staff, representatives of City Council of Veterans in Almaty, friends, numerous students, relatives and friends of Academician Yerengaip Shaikhutdinov. The formation and development of Kazakhstan scientific school of organic synthesis and polymer chemistry is associated with his name. When he was Rector of Polytech, Satbayev University received a high status of a national university and was named after Kanysh Imantayevich Satbayev.

In his welcoming speech, University’s Rector, Meiram Begentayev, noted the organizational talent and huge contribution of Academician Shaikhutdinov to the science and education of the country, to the socio-economic development of the southern capital and improving the quality of education, as well as improving social protection not only for residents of Almaty, but also for all Kazakhstanis.

“Yerengaip Malikovich made a huge contribution to the improvement of higher technical education in our country. In difficult years for the whole country, he managed to preserve the staff of Polytech, to create the foundation for our current achievements," Meiram Begentayev said.

The talent of the organizer, high professionalism, and the huge contribution of Yerengaip Malikovich to the development of society were highly appreciated by the state. The merits of the scientist were awarded with high state awards: "Kurmet", "Parassat", "Barys" medals of III degree, the medal named after Ibrai Altynsarin for special merits in education and pedagogical science sphere, "Kazakhstan Respublikasy tauelsizdigine 10 zhyl" medal, "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" badge, etc.

Yerengaip Malikovich Shaikhutdinov passed away on August 8, 2021 at the age of 89. His students, colleagues and the entire team of Satbayev University keep the memory of him in their hearts.

Auditorium named after Academician Ye. Shaikhutdinov has been opened at Satbayev University

Auditorium named after Academician Ye. Shaikhutdinov has been opened at Satbayev University

Auditorium named after Academician Ye. Shaikhutdinov has been opened at Satbayev University

Auditorium named after Academician Ye. Shaikhutdinov has been opened at Satbayev University

Auditorium named after Academician Ye. Shaikhutdinov has been opened at Satbayev University

Auditorium named after Academician Ye. Shaikhutdinov has been opened at Satbayev University

Auditorium named after Academician Ye. Shaikhutdinov has been opened at Satbayev University

Auditorium named after Academician Ye. Shaikhutdinov has been opened at Satbayev University

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