Center for Sustainable Development is inviting the teachers to professional development courses

Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) at Project Management Institute is inviting to advanced training courses for Directors of Institutes, Deputies, Department Heads, Heads of structural divisions and leading teachers:
"Integration of CSD into University’s educational process"
September 19, 2023, 15:00, Room 265 MMB
Topic: "Education for sustainable development"
Lecture description:
- historical context of global challenges of humanity;
- sustainable development agenda - as a new meaning of development in 21st century;
- triune model of sustainable development;
- evolution of Sustainable Development Goals, 17 UN SDG;
- what ESG is;
- new skills and competencies for the sustainable world;
- ways to involve young people in sustainable development;
- reform of the education sector and University transformation’s main directions;
- professional development of teachers.
Speaker: Mikhail Yelkin
Partner of “Sustainability Solutions” company.
Leading expert in the field of climate change and green economy, climate communicator, teacher.
Consultant to IFC on ESG issues, consultant to World Bank and UNESCO programs on educational projects, Director of ANPO Academy 2030.
Graduate of UN (UNSSC) College’s “Climate Change and Paris Agreement” program
Key competencies: analysis of climate projects, elaboration of degree programs on international climate regulation and green economy topics.
Topic: "HCD in Education: Human-oriented design in education"
Lecture description: Principles of human-oriented design contribute to the creation of strong intra-university partnerships that help educational institutions meet the high expectations of modern students. Human-centered design is becoming a powerful tool for innovation, as it provides the process of both creative problem solving and transformation.
Speaker: Kiyzbayeva Zhadyra
PhD candidate, MBA, IPMA certified (level C), teacher, business coach, facilitator, researcher in education sphere, CEO at International Centre for Advanced Education.
Author of more than 100 unique long-term and intensive programs in IT, management, project management, soft skills etc. Independent expert on the evaluation of SPE “Atameken” degree programs.
Graduate of Basic and Advanced Track - Hasso-Plattner-Institut School of Design Thinking (Germany).