22 may 2024 1881

"Create Future Engineering Education" workshop was held

"Create Future Engineering Education" workshop was held

The massive introduction of high technologies into production has led to the fact that the contribution of engineers began to exceed the contribution of workers. The significance of training personnel in engineering sphere and the prestige of this profession are becoming key factors of the country's competitiveness in the global economic arena.

To better comprehend and solve the problems of modern education, Institute of Project Management named after Turkebayev, together with International Center for Advanced Education, gathered at one table both Bachelor's student, professor, department’s head, MBA graduate student, HR, and a business representative.

For three days, the participants explored the problems of education under the guidance of experienced coaches and facilitators: Nataliya Kuzetova, Yernar Bilyalov, Irina Vigovskaya, Medina Mamezhanova and Zhadyra Kiizbayeva. The workshop was built according to the methodologies of design thinking, IPST, Gemba Kaizen and Lego Serious Play.

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