28 february 2022 3259

Elsevier will hold a series of webinars for university scientists

Elsevier will hold a series of webinars for university scientists

Elsevier holds a series of webinars from 01 to 03 March 2022. We invite colleagues, teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates, students of Satbayev University to take part.

For more detailed information, please contact in the Department of Science in the Department for the Development of Intellectual Property and Publication Activity, 610 NC, tel.: 292-63-46 or ext. 72-23.


How to write a scientific article

Рабига ХожамкулLeading: Rabiga Hozhamkul
Who will be interested: researchers, doctoral students, young scientists
When: March 01, 2022, 16:00-17:00h


Meeting ID: 945 5603 7897
Passcode: 024525


Using engineering solutions to accelerate and improve the quality of research (Geofacets, Knovel, Engineering Village)

Хешам НассарLeading: Hesham Nassar
Who will be interested: the Institute of Energy, Petroleum, geology, geological exploration, and other engineering specialties
When: March 02, 2022, 15:00 -16:00h


Meeting ID: 934 1888 6456
Passcode: 015435


Using Reaxys solutions to speed up and improve the quality of studies

Сергей ВарнавскийLeading: Sergey Varnavsky
Who will be interested: specialists in chemistry and chemical engineering
When: March 03, 2022, 16:00 - 17:00h


Meeting ID: 977 8109 8585
Passcode: 590821

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