13 october 2023 2359

Exhibition of painting of the architect Andrey Starkov in the A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts

Exhibition of painting of the architect Andrey Starkov in the A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts

On October 11, 2023, A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts opened an exhibition of paintings "The same principle -2" of the artist and architect Andrey Starkov.

The exhibition consists of about 70 paintings by the artist. All works are distinguished by brightness and saturation of color, each is distinguished by a smooth handwriting and full of fine lyrics.

the artist abstracts the natural forms and formal symbols. Works deeply immerse the viewer in the imagination of the author. The artist indicates the textural properties of each nature, systematizes them and creates patterns of expressed thought. A special phenomenon in paintings - this revival - symbolization of the texture of stones, rocks, vegetables and household items. Thanks to the features of his mastery, the artist revives any object, sees life circumstances in the formal features of life, conveys them to the viewer and gives the opportunity to experience all this.

All works in large formats. The paintings are very realistic and accurate nature, scenes of life, simple colors and objects, they reflect the soul of the author and his anthem of the immutable harmony of nature.

Andrey Starkov was born in Almaty. He graduated from the architectural faculty of the Novosibirsk Engineering and Civil engineering Institute. As a professional architect worked in design institutes of Moscow and Almaty. He is the member of the Union of Architects of Kazakhstan since 1987. From the same year he became a participant of international exhibitions. From 2000 to the present he is the head of the Design Bureau «Starkov ARCHPRO» in Almaty and teaches «Complex Design III, II», «Methodology of Architectural Objects Design» and others disciplines at the Department of «Architecture» of the Bassenov Institute of architecture and civil engineering of the Satbayev University.

As an artist he participated in several expeditions to the Himalayas and Central Tien-Shan Mountains. He is the winner of diplomas IV, V and IV of the International festivals of mountain and adventure films «Vertical», held in the city of Moscow, for holding individual exhibitions about the mountain landscape. In 2001-2002 he was awarded diplomas of the Moscow Government for personal art exhibitions.

The exhibition will last until November 4, 2023.

Выставка живописи архитектора Андрея Старкова в Государственном музее искусств РК им. А.Кастеева

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