19 april 2023 2276

"Financial Center" met with students and staff of Satbayev University

"Financial Center" met with students and staff of Satbayev University

On April 18, specialists from the "Financial Center" met with students of 1-4 courses, undergraduates, doctoral students and university staff to answer questions and talk about the rules for processing state grants.

Any grant is not just free training, it is an order of the state for certain specialists. The state pays for studies for young people in exchange for practical work after graduation, which is specified in the contract between the state and the recipient of the grant.

This mechanism encourages young people to study and develop, gives them a guaranteed job immediately after graduation, and also helps to solve the problems of shortage of qualified personnel in various sectors of the economy.

But recently, there are more and more cases when graduates who received education on the basis of a state grant do not comply with the terms of the contract on working out. This entails negative consequences for the student and the university, as well as for companies that expect young professionals to work for them after graduation. Read below the rules for processing state grants and get a job right after graduation!

"Financial Center" met with students and staff of Satbayev University

"Financial Center" met with students and staff of Satbayev University

"Financial Center" met with students and staff of Satbayev University

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