Foodmaster company operators upgrade their skills in the Kazakh-French Center of KazNRTU

The Kazakh-French Training Center conducted an advanced training course on dispatching and data acquisition systems on Schneider Electric equipment for Foodmaster specialists.
The course took place in the beginning of August 2017. A subject of the training included the Vijeo Citect supervisory control system, the Unity Pro software development environment and the Modicon M340 controllers.
Controller Modicon M340 helps to manage any technological processes and complex equipment (for example, lifting machines) in real time and allows to program execution of up to 7 thousand instructions per millisecond. The Vijeo Citect program and the development environment of Unity Pro allow you to create these instructions and automate the entire technological process.
During the course Foodmaster specialists worked with Unity Pro program and real Modicon M340 controllers and learned 5 standard languages for Vijeo Citect program. They did many practical tasks under the guidance of the teachers of the center, learned to diagnose errors in programs and write their own programs for real objects. Students paid a special attention to practical work with the Vijeo Designer sensor-graphic terminal that was designed to create visual control applications for the Magelis XBT GT 5330 and HMI GTO 2330 terminals.
At the end of the course, the participants passed tests and received Schneider Electric certificates.