11 august 2017 10123

Future hydroelectric power station, elaborated in KazNRTU is free to visit during EXPO-2017

Future hydroelectric power station, elaborated in KazNRTU is free to visit during EXPO-2017

The project of hydroelectric power station which was elaborated by Kasymbekov Zhuzbay, who is a KazNRTu's professor, as well as, honored inventor, was chosen to be demonstrated on EXPO-2017 from 28 progressive native exhibits.

The project is located on the first floor of Sphere, that is a central hall of exhibition, near national Kazakhstan's pavilion and Energy museum. It is the biggest spherical building in the world, which has diameter of 80 m and height of 100 m, and its' second floor is given to water, as the main source of energy. Here is demonstrated almost all modern technologies, which make possible to produce energy with the help of water.

Although water energy is one of the most using powers nowadays, there is also problem with centralized water-supply in distant regions where it is hard to lead an electric wires. While cost of building EPS in mountains is too high. One way to solve this problem is building mini EPS like professor Kasymbekov's one.

The project decreases cost of EPS building for about 15-20%, which makes it real to build one near every mountain village. Hydro cyclone unit invented during mentioned project can clean water from filth and sand to 96-98%, thanks to which station breaks rarely and works better.

"Small derivational hydroelectric power station" project is awarded by certificate from WIPO as best invention of the year. Exhibition is provided with current model and multimedia demonstration. It is one month left to EXPO-2017 closing - don't miss the opportunity to touch the future!

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