27 february 2023 3415

I Am The Next Satbayev - 2023 contest begins

I Am The Next Satbayev - 2023 contest begins

Applications for the student film competition I Am The Next Satbayev are open. Everyone who wants to prove themselves and show their creativity - welcome to the competition!

In the student competition «I am the next Satbayev»  students of all courses can take by sending a video or short film.

To participate, you need to shoot and upload a video to the social network with the hashtag # next_satbayev and send it to email address g.abdikhaparova@satbayev.university  before April 3 of this year.

Work is accepted from February 28 to April 3, 2023.

Video Content and Design Requirements:

  • Video from 30 seconds to 1 minutes.
  • Minimum video resolution must be at least 1920 * 1080 pixels.

All work will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. Originality of the idea, general impression;
  2. Semantic content and informativity;
  3. Plot integrity;
  4. Content and conciseness;
  5. Operator work
  6. Sound design;
  7. Installation;
  8. Disclosure.

The names of the best works will be announced on April 11, 2023. Winners will be awarded certificates.

The Project Management Institute, Department of Social Studies  annually holds a competition among SU students for the best video «I am the next Satbayev», dedicated to the birthday of Kanysh Satpayev. Every year, the work of the most creative students of the university is advertised on social networks and on the university website.

Take the first step towards your successful career!

Contact mobile: +7 747 9263019.

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