6 may 2024 3016

In honor of heroes and warriors: Satbayev University has celebrated Fatherland Defender Day and Victory Day

In honor of heroes and warriors: Satbayev University has celebrated Fatherland Defender Day and Victory Day

A solemn celebration dedicated to Fatherland Defender Day and Victory Day in Great Patriotic War was held at Satbayev University Military Affairs Institute. On this significant day, veterans, officers and students of University gathered to honor the memory of the heroes and celebrate the given important day.

The participants solemnly laid flowers at "Country’s name is country’s memory" memorial stele, dedicated to the heroes associated with the military department and who became the pride of Satbayev University. Congratulations to veterans and the award ceremony were opened by Satbayev University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev, who held a speech:

- Engineers have always been an important part of the elite of the armed forces, playing a key role in ensuring their effectiveness and safety. Your knowledge and your work ensure peace and security in our country, protection of the rights and freedoms of our citizens," Rector said.

At the ceremony, Almasbek Abdizhami, Satbayev University’s student, Military Institute student, was awarded Satbayev University Gold Medal by Academic Council’s decision for his active participation in flood relief activities in Atyrau and in honor of Fatherland Defender Day.

Alongside, the teachers’ achievements of Military Affairs Institute, established in 1940, just before the beginning of Great Patriotic War, were noted. For more than 80 years, engineers, devoted defenders of Motherland, the pride and hope of our people have been undergoing military training here. The glorious history of Military Institute was presented at the exhibition of Institute history and Great Patriotic War weapons.

The holiday ended with the traditional "Soldier's porridge", concert with the participation of the military orchestra and demonstration of drill techniques of cadets and military personnel.

В честь героев и воинов: Satbayev University празднует День защитника Отечества и День Победы

В честь героев и воинов: Satbayev University празднует День защитника Отечества и День Победы

В честь героев и воинов: Satbayev University празднует День защитника Отечества и День Победы

В честь героев и воинов: Satbayev University празднует День защитника Отечества и День Победы

В честь героев и воинов: Satbayev University празднует День защитника Отечества и День Победы

В честь героев и воинов: Satbayev University празднует День защитника Отечества и День Победы

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