27 october 2021 2102

Институт Геологии и нефтегазового дела приглашает на тренинги по грантовому финансированию

Dear colleagues!

The Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas named after K.Turysov informs that within the framework of the "Visiting Professor" program, trainings are being held on grant financing for Kazakhstan and the possibility of participating in NATO projects, receiving British grants for research projects.

Organizers: Departments of "Chemical processes and Industrial Ecology", "Chemical and Biochemical Engineering"

Speaker: Co-founder, R&D Director ANAMAD Ltd (Advanced Nanostructured Materials Design and Consultancy) Professor, PhD Mikhalovsky S.V.

Time and venue: 21.10, 29.10, 3.11, 10.11 from 10:00-12:00 at 1025 MEB.

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