Institute of Military Affairs Satbayev University strengthens military-patriotic work among youth

As part of the intensification of military-patriotic activities among young people of pre-conscription age, the Satbayev University Institute of Military Affairs held a meeting with teachers of initial military training from Almaty schools. The event was attended by: Head of the Institute of Military Affairs, Major General of the Reserve Vasiliy Rysbaev, representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Department of Defense Affairs of Almaty, as well as more than 150 people - teachers of basic military training from all over the city, management and employees of the Institute of Military Affairs.
The meeting discussed various aspects of military-patriotic work, improving the educational and material base for initial military training in educational institutions, introducing modern teaching methods and issues of interaction. A schedule for visiting the Institute of Military Affairs by students in grades 10-11 in Bostandyk district schools for 2024 was also approved.
The Institute of Military Affairs Satbayev University actively cooperates with the akimat of the city of Almaty and the Bostandyk region, providing the opportunity for students not only of their university, but also of other higher educational institutions of the city to undergo military training on a modern educational and material base. For SatbayevUniversity students who entered the Institute of Military Affairs on a grant, obtaining a second military specialty is free.