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4 august 2017 9733

KazNRTU and Penn State have an agreement to joint work on scientific projects

KazNRTU and Penn State have an agreement to joint work on scientific projects

Representatives of Pennsylvania State University (USA) had visited KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev on June 22-23. There was vice rector for science of KazNRTU Murat Orunkhanov, Chairman of Petrolium and Natural Gas Engineering Russell T. Jones and Sergey Lvov, Chairman of KZ-PSU Faculty Task to help coordinate these efforts. The main issues discussed at the meeting was concerned the exchange of information on projects that could potentially become joint, as well as the material and technical basis for research. Participants of the meeting visited the drilling center with a drilling rig simulator and a nanomaterial laboratory. They discussed 25 projects in the field of materials science, clean energy and oil production, that were previously selected for further work.

Negotiations on cooperation with the University of Pennsylvania began in late April with the visit of the KazNRTU delegation to the United States. The parties reached an oral agreement and launched a process of interaction between the professors, which would work together in the future.

"The first stage of relations with this university is informal," said vice rector for science Murat Orunkhanov. - First, we identified the horizons of cooperation and possible points of contact. The process went "from below": the teachers of two universities communicated, established relationships, and created a common scientific project. Further, when projects are finished, we will search for financing, and only after it, we will conclude a formal agreement.”

The University of Pennsylvania is one of the most authoritative research universities of the United States. It ranks 58th in the Academic Ranking of Universities in the World. The quality of education in this state educational institution is comparable with the famous universities of the Ivy League (Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University).

Cooperation with such a respected educational institution will enable magistrates and doctoral candidates of KazNRTU to master the western standards of scientific research and enrich the industry of our country with promising personnel who have unique experience of scientific research at Penn State University.

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