24 august 2017 10149

KazNRTU opened the doors for a flying Kazakh woman from Cirque du Soleil

KazNRTU opened the doors for a flying Kazakh woman from Cirque du Soleil

Gymnast Gaukhar Akhmetova, who was a participant of the Cirque du Soleil show in the past, held an exclusive meeting in KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev on August 10.

Children and teenagers from courtyard clubs from all over Almaty gathered at the KazNRTU Arena to inspire the woman who challenged gravity every day. Gaukhar told them how she achieved success, overcame her fears, her weakness and her uncertainty and became part of the most famous circus of the world.

Gaukhar, who was nicknamed Gasey in the circus, began her journey to the stars when she was only 4. She was invited to the Varekai show about the revival of Icarus in Cirque du Soleil at 17. This tale is about indomitable striving into the sky despite the wounds and disappointments occupies a special place in the heart of Gauhar - while she works in the Cirque du Soleil she meets her husband.

Gaukhar lives in New York with her husband, daughter and son, participates in the IRIS show in Hollywood and conducts an instagram about her "everyday life in the office", which consists of incredible acrobatic tricks and playing with children.

In the language of gypsies, varekai means "anywhere". In New York or Kazakhstan, in the circus, in the world of high technology or science - industriousness, independence, striving for a goal, support of relatives, and, of course, good teachers are important everywhere. Therefore, if your goal is to become Icarus in the world of technology, KazNRTU will help you to find wings, make a scientific discovery and fly to the stars, no matter how high they are.

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