KazNRTU students meeting with Alexander Korzhempo

On Feb 2, the Basenov institute Architecture Department held a meeting with professor Alexander Ivanovich Korzhempo, an honorary architect of Kazakhstan, a coryphaeus of Kazakh architectural school.
The projects of Alexander Ivanovich who received excellent, fully-rounded education at Moscow Architectural Institute, have always been original, creative and simply ahead of their time. He believes that the architect's art is in his ability to make energy out of the space.
Alexander Korzhempo is the author of many buildings and architectural ensembles that have become Almaty landmarks like Arman cinema, the Kazakh television complex, residence buildings with Ocean and Pioneer supermarkets in Furmanov Street , an entrance group with arboretum in the First RK President’ Park, Sayakhat bus station and Almaty-2 railway station; a team member of projects on the detailed planning of Almaty Center and development of major urban areas and housing sectors.
Alexander Ivanovich for many years combined practical work with teaching. Today, many famous architects call him my first teacher in architecture, who laid the foundations enabling them to become professionals in future. Even today they measure their important decisions by lofty principles of High Architecture Art.
A.I.Korzhempo is the honorary professor of International Academy of Architecture, (Moscow branch), the honorary member of the RK and Almaty Unions of Architects and Town Planners. He was awarded a Taras Basenov medal "For Sevices to Architectural Education and Science Development”.